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George's pov:

I woke up to me hugging my pillow, I tried to move away but felt something tugging me back. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Dream in front of me with my arms wrapped around him and his arms around my waist. I got a weird tingling feeling in my stomach but ignored it.

I checked the clock besides him and it showed 6:13 pm, I slowly tried to crawl out of his arms but had no success "Dream can I please get up?" I heard him hum and open his eyes slowly "what the hell? Why are you sleeping with me" he quietly mumbled flustered while loosening his grip on my waist "I don't know, I only remember falling asleep on Karl's shoulder after you yelled at us" I started to get up and yawn "those little bitches probably put you here" he said closing his eyes again "I don't know, but it's already 6. Did you want to get going?" I asked Dream "mmm yeah" he opened his eyes and got up from the bed stumbling a little to the door.

I followed behind him just incase he lost balance, we entered the living room to sapnap and Quackity cuddling Karl as they watched a movie "hey guys!" Karl said cheerfully as the others snickered "what's wrong with you guys?" I said questioning sapnap and Quackity "n-nothing" Sapnap said as getting interrupted by his snickering. I hummed and looked at Karl "we're gonna get going, probably eat dinner" I looked at Dream for his confirmation, he nodded and smiled. "Ok! Did you guys enjoy your naps?" Karl said as the others erupted with laughter, Karl trying to hold his in and smacking the boys lightly. "Yeah" Dream said fixing his hair, I nodded and we both stood there awkwardly.

"Alright, bye guys" I said as me and Dream started walking to the entrance "bye guys" Dream said opening the door and pulling me out as I waved to them. "They're so dumb" Dream said as he closed the door. I just laughed and we continued heading to our apartment.
It was already 10 pm and we both got tired after eating dinner and watching a movie. We headed to our bedrooms and slowly dozed off to sleep for tomorrow where we had another mission.
I woke up to dream barging in my room and throwing my blanket off me "you dumbass I could've had no clothes on!" I said sitting up on my bed "why wouldn't you have clothes on?" He questioned while walking out my room "I don't know!" I yelled to him so he can hear me, I heard him chuckle in response and telling me to get ready.

I did my whole morning routine and started to get ready for us to head out. This time for our mission we wore regular clothes since it was always a rule to wear the uniform on our first missions or on very risky and dangerous missions.
After we got ready we went downstairs to the main area and saw Charlie pull up. (Ok I pull up 😎)
We started heading to the bar and got out a couple of blocks down. Me and Dream started walking to the alley way next to the bar which was told he would stay in. Right when we got in we saw a figure with someone besides them. "Well look what we got here" Dream said as he walked in front of our target "who the hell are you?" He questioned slurring his words "that, I won't tell." Our target grabbed the women's wrist tightly starting to walk away "oh don't go yet, we didn't finish" I said walking towards him "what the hell do you guys want! Leave us the fuck alone!" He said getting a knife from his pocket "don't get so violent, we just wanted to have a little chat with you" Dream smiled at him as I pulled out my gun. "You better put that shit away or I'll fucking kill her!" He said while the women cried trying to get out of his grasp, "now don't do that" Dream said as I started to slowly walk behind our target. "Don't walk one ste-" before he could finish I wrapped my arms around his neck and successfully got the knife out of his hand while the women ran away out the alley crying "she won't do nothing right?" I questioned Dream "nah" he said while watching me as I put my knife by the guys throat, "Let me go you fucker!" The man hardly shouted before I put my knife down on his throat slowly making him loose blood "just go all the way at this point" Dream said chuckling, I rolled my eyes and ended the man's life. "Alright well, success!" I smiled as I loosened my grip on the man watching him collapse on the ground, "that was a crazy one" Dream said as I started walking out the alleyway. "Let's head back and we can eat?" Dream asked as I nodded. "Sounds good!"

853 words
Hello guys!! It was a fun MCC today! Sorry for not uploading for a week. I haven't really had the motivation to. I hope you guys liked this chapter! I'll try to start getting to more interesting parts :D


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