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Dream's pov:

I'm a nervous wreck. I can't do this. It's crazy. These thoughts are crazy, these feelings are crazy. Sapnap's words are absolutely ridiculous. I can't ask out George, I'll humiliate myself.

Yesterday at sapnap's room I told him how I felt about George, he gave me advice and told me to ask George out. I told him that I don't even know how I feel about George, I don't know if I actually like him or if it's just a little crush.

Sapnap kept on listing things he's noticed when I'm around George, how I look at him, how much I laugh with him, how big my smile is, the way my eyes light up when I see him, the way my tone changed with him. I didn't believe sapnap, but after the talk and when I walked out of the room with sapnap I felt nervous around George, not a bad nervous, a excited, giddy nervous.

It's dumb, I find feelings dumb. I don't even know if George wants to date anyone. I don't want to hurt myself, no. I don't want to hurt him.

I'm not good with relationships, I don't know how those couple things work! I mean cmon I've been cold my whole life. Never once have I ever felt genuinely happy for a long period. But once George came a long I actually enjoyed being around him, I enjoyed life. I have a new perspective on things.

I mean I don't even know what George thinks of me! I mean what if he like just doesn't like me, what if he wants to play me! What if he kills me?!

It's not like I've been knowing him my whole life! It's only been a couple of months since I met him.

I don't know what I'm gonna do, I don't know what to say? How to confess? How to ask him out? How to treat him? I don't know anything!

"Dream? Are you alright?" George said softly

George's pov:

I walked into the living room to get something from the kitchen, but I saw dream zoned out with his arms crossed.

"Dream? Are you alright?" I asked him softly and tapping his shoulder trying not to scare him

"Huh? What? Oh me? Yeah no I'm completely fine, why? How are you? Hopefully good, are you good?"

"Uhm, yeah? Are you good?" I said shocked on how fast he talked

"Oh sorry, yeah no I'm good sorry I'm just thinking about something"

"Well do you want to talk about it?"

He shook his head and sighed,

"I'm sorry George, I'm just really stressed. It's not at all anything bad about you. Just other... stuff?" He said confused at the end

"Oh ok, well if you need anything I'm always here !" I smiled

He smiled back at me and thanked me, going back to his thoughts.

I wonder what he's thinking about, or what's worrying him? I mean I didn't even ask him if it was because of me.

That's weird, is it about me? Is that why he said it wasn't? I shouldn't think too much about it. It's dumb of me to assume.

I should just give him space and not push him, if he wants to talk about he'll talk about it. But I don't know if he trusts me enough to tell me what's worrying him.

Ugh but it's getting me stressed out now!

Dream's pov:

I should go to sapnap again ? Maybe he will help me.

As I was walking out I saw George leaning on the counter in the kitchen. I was gonna say goodbye but it looked like he was thinking about something. I didn't want to bother him so I just walked out.

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