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George's pov:

Philza sent us on another mission. So here both me and Dream are in Charlie's car heading towards a forest that's pretty far away from the base.

We started getting closer to the area, I was looking out the window seeing just trees and nothing else in the area.

The person is a psycho that likes to torture people and drug them. The police haven't been able to get him so it's now our turn to get him.

We arrived at this old rusty looking shack by a small river. It looked peaceful and new apart from the brown down shack.

Me and dream walked towards the shack and heard a creak from inside, Dream did signals with his hand telling me to go the opposite way of him and try to attack. I listened and started walking right hiding behind a bush.

I saw Dream from the back of the shack and a dark figure behind him slowly getting closer and holding something sharp.

Right when they were about to attack I got in the way and stopped their arm to get more closer to dream "tsk I don't think you should do that sir" I whispered in the guys ear as his eyes widened and trying to escapes from my grasp.

Dream went behind him and held onto him while I put my knife on the guys neck.

"Now tell me, where are the people?" I asked looking as a bit of blood spilled out from putting pressure on his neck

"I-I've already killed them" he said stuttering on his words

"Don't lie, cmon. I'll be friendly and let you go" I smiled at him, Dream looked at me puzzled

"What? George you can't do that! We're supposed to kill him!" Dream said looking at me

I just smiled at him and sighed

"Now, let me ask again. Where are the people?"

"Ugh! They're in the shack! I have them tied up. Now let me go!" He said trying to move

"Hmmm, no." I smiled and told Dream to do whatever he wanted to him. Dream started walking to the small river and dunked the guys head in the water making sure to keep him down.

Now time to look in the shack

I kicked down the door since it didn't budge to open. It was pitch black when I entered but I found a light, switching it on.

The shack somewhat brightened very dimly. I saw 2 girls on the ground with teary eyes, tied up, and a rag on their mouths.

"Oh gosh let's get you girls out of here" I said rushing towards them and started to the rope.

I finished and they took the rags out of their mouth. Hugging me after.

"T-thank you so much!" One of them sobbed into my arms

"I thought I was gonna die!" The other said wiping her eyes with her arm

"It's no problem really, let's get you both home." I said smiling at them.

They both nodded and walked out the shack, me following behind them.

I saw Dream walking towards us with him smiling, "just threw him in the river. He's gone surely" he said after saying hi to the girls.

"Alright, let's go ahead and get them home" I told Charlie as we all entered the car.


We dropped the girls off to their homes with their families thanking us and appreciating that we literally rescued those girls from death.

Me and Dream started heading to Charlie's car just pushing each other and laughing "we're heroes!" Dream shouted as I laughed.

We arrived back at the base pretty late and started to walk into our apartment.

"Ughhh! Today was tiring" I yawned jumping on the couch with patches jumping on it after.

"Yeah, I mean we saved 2 lives today and ended one. I mean a good deal" he said as we both laughed.

"We should go somewhere tomorrow! We don't have nothing to do" Dream said while sitting at the end of the couch, turning off the tv

"Sure! Where to?"

"Uhm, maybe to the beach near by? We can take some of our friends.

"Yeah sure!" I agreed as Dream put on Rick and Morty.

It was already getting late, and I was slowly falling asleep while on the couch.

"You tired?" Dream asked looking at me,

"Mhm" I mumbled back, laying down and trying to get comfortable.

I yawned and slowly dozed off into sleep while Dream continued to watch his show.


Dream pov:

I looked over to George smiling in his sleep curled up like a cat, patches was next to him sleeping the same.

I smiled and got up to get a blanket for George.

I got a fluffy blanket from the closet and started walking back to patches and George, I put the blanket on them both and got my phone to take a photo of them.

I smiled and sat back down on the couch.

I started feeling tired and fell asleep on the couch.


George's pov:

I woke up with feeling warmth all around me, I opened one of my eyes and saw patches cuddled up with me. I yawned and look to seeing at the end of the couch dream was sleeping, looking uncomfortable.

"Dream?" I said shaking his shoulder

"Hm?" He mumbled slowly opening his eyes,

"Wake up, it's like 11"

"Noo, give me 5 minutes please"

"No, wake up! I wanna go to the arcade. Text our friends and invite them! Pleaseee!"

"Ughh! If you say so" he said picking up his phone from the couch



Dream : you nerds wanna go to the arcade with me and George

Karl : yeah sure!

Quackity : nerds? Who's the one that is philza's favorite and always does the hard missions with no help. Lmao

Dream : shut up Quackity or else you're not coming

Quackity : stfu dream I'm still coming

Sapnap: im down to go to the arcade, what time and which one?

Me : the one at the beach! Maybe at like 1 :]

Karl : ok! We'll meet you guys there later. Might come over too lol

Dream : no you guys are annoying 😒

Quackity : shut up you dumbass

Dream : shut up Quackity you're the dumbest one here, you gave Karl a real duck from the pond when he said he wanted a stuffed duck.

Quackity : it was still a duck and he still liked it, you're just mad you didn't get a real duck

Me : shut up

Quackity : ok gogy 🥺

1089 words

Hi guys, sorry I didn't upload for like 2 weeks lol, hopefully you guys like this chapter. Love you all!!


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