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Georges pov:

We got to the cafeteria and saw Karl walking towards him and waving to him "hi gogy!" Karl said patting a space for me to sit "hi Karl" when I went to nikis and me and karl got closer he was talking very fast and when he tried saying my name he pronounced it as "gogy" and we all just sticked with the nickname. I sat by Karl and we both started chatting while Dream started chatting with sapnap. "What is up boys!!! Hey big D haven't seen you in a couple of days!" I heard a British accent yell from the entrance "oh hey Tommy" dream said smiling at I'm guessing Tommy, besides him was a shorter boy with brunette short hair covering his eyes a little bit. "who's this eh?" The blonde said pointing at me "oh that's dreams partner" sapnap said before Dream could respond "what kind of partner?" The blonde said smirking "oh shut up Tommy, Phil got me a partner for missions." Dream said chuckling at Tommy's joke. I just listened to the conversation before Tommy started talking to me "how's dream treating you? He isn't good with new people" Tommy said smiling.

"Don't worry Tommy, he's getting better with me" I said smiling at him, he nods and starts walking back to the short brunette that was talking to dream.

"So do you guys know when you're gonna have your first mission together?" Sapnap asked both me and Dream "Phil said next week" Dream said "oh, who's the guy for the mission?" Sapnap questioned while eating more food "some twat that murdered kids and is a drug dealer" I responded getting disgusted by the reminder of what they did "damn, that's tough" Sapnap said finishing his food already, I nodded and looked at Dream, "well I think we're gonna get going" Dream said while getting up and looking down at me, I nodded and we all said our goodbyes. "What did you want to do today George?" Dream asked putting his keycard on the pad "whatever you want to do, I don't care" he nodded and we walked up to our apartment.

We opened the door to patches standing by the door ready for her food, Dream got her food bowl and filled it up. He filled up her water while I played with her "she really likes you, you both look cute" Dream said quietly while putting her bowls down "what?" I asked confused on what he had said "huh? Oh nothing" Dream stuttered out and started to walk to his room, "hey dream" I said while getting up from the ground "yeah?" He replied while looking up from his phone "I'm gonna go over to Karl's apartment, he said he was home and I'm bored" I stated while getting all my stuff from the counter "yeah for sure" he replied and looked back down at his phone.

I got to Karl's apartment and knocked, after a moment it opened to a giggling Karl and Quackity on the couch eating chips while watching a movie "hey Karl!" I exclaimed while we both hugged "hi George, what's up?" He said while closing the door behind us "nothing, I was just bored with Dream. There's nothing to do" I sat my Quackity and looked at the tv "popcorn?" He asked, I nodded and got some.

"Oh George! Do you wanna play Minecraft? There's pcs we can play on at the gym upstairs where the chill area is. "Ok!" I responded as we both started to walk out saying goodbye to Quackity.

"So, How have you liked this company so far?"
"It's alright" I responded as we both got to the building, we got in the elevator and went to the 2nd floor arriving to seeing tubbo, Tommy, Niki, and jack playing on the pcs already while laughing, "what's up gogs! Hey Karl" said Tommy while he took off the headset while everyone looked at me and Karl greeting us with smiles and 'hellos' "hey guys! Is it fine if we join you?" Karl said sitting down by a pc and me sitting next to him on the next pc to his left, "for sure! We're on the Dream smp just messing around" Niki said in a soft voice and smiling at us. Me and Karl got in the server and played for a while.

4 hours passed and it was time for dinner, all of us went to the cafeteria to go eat dinner and chat more. When we got there we saw the rest of the crew and I saw Dream talking to sapnap while they both ate. Me and Karl sat next to each of them and greeting them with smiles.

"hey dream!" I said looking at him "hey George, did you guys have fun? You were gone for a while leaving me alone" he said making a fake pouting face "I did have fun! Sounds like you were bored the whole time" I giggled as he nodded and continued to eat his food. After I said hi to sapnap me and Karl went to go get some food that others had made for the crew "ooh there's some chicken Alfredo pasta!" I said excitedly pointing at the pot filled with pasta, "that sounds so delicious right now!" Karl agreed and we both grabbed plates to serve ourselves.

Me and Karl sat back down and started to eat, I went on my phone and checked social medias for any notifications.

Everyone had finished eating and were chatting by this time, "Can we go back to our apartment? It's getting late and I'm pretty full" I told Dream while stretching, he nodded and I started to get up "can Karl and sapnap come over? I don't want to go to sleep yet and I don't want to be bored. You and sapnap can talk and me and Karl can do our own things!" I pleaded and looked up at Dream with puppy eyes "yeah sure" he said while smiling, I smiled back and told Karl and sapnap if they wanted to come over, they both agreed and we all said our goodbyes to everyone in the cafeteria.

1037 words

Hi guys! I am so so so so sorry for not updating in such a long time, this week I've been really busy traveling but now I'm back home! I'll try to get back to doing my schedule for uploads. Again I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while. Love you all <3


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