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George's pov:

I woke up to patches scratching on my door, I only got 3 hours of sleep because of that dumb stupid nightmare I have.

I started brushing my teeth as I looked at myself in the mirror, I looked a mess with dark eyebags and my stubby beard.

After brushing my teeth I decided to shave my beard so my face can look clean, I rinsed my face and dried it with a towel.

After standing still thinking of nothing I decided to just shower since I felt a little cold.

My thoughts are weird, I'll be doing something then think about doing something else, Or my mind goes blank and I just stare into nothing.

While in the shower I heard a knock at my door,

"George? Are you already awake?" I heard dream say on the other side of the door

"Yeah? Why?" I replied back to him as I turned off the shower.

I grabbed the towel and wrapped it around my waist, opening the door to see Dream just standing there zoned out.


"Oh huh what?" He said shaking his head slightly and freezing again as he looked at me

"What did you need?" I asked him as I walked around him,

"Oh I was just gonna ask if you Were hungry or something. Sapnap just texted me saying that they made breakfast without burning the whole building" dream said as he turned around to look at me

"Oh yeah of course! I was actually thinking about going there today" I said smiling

"Alright, well I'm gonna go get dressed really quick, we'll leave whenever your ready too"

He walked out my room and closed my door, I walked up to my door and locked it to get dressed.

After I finished getting dressed I walked out my room to see Dream sitting down on the couch looking through Twitter,

"Hey did you see that Tommy hit 10 mil on YouTube? That's crazy" dream said to me showing me his phone that had Tommy's channel on it

"Oh wow that's so cool" I said to dream

"Alright let's go" dream said standing up.

He held the door open for me and we both left the apartment going into the elevator to go up to Karl's apartment.

The elevator dinged and both me and dream got out at the same time, already knowing where to go and moving in sync.

Dream knocked on the door and on the other side you can hear screaming and running around, the door opened and you can see Quackity, Karl, and sapnap standing while smiling

"HI!" Quackity yelled while he pulled me into the place,

"Uh hi to you? What did you guys make" I said looking towards the kitchen

"We made pancakes with sausage and some tarot tots! Are you proud of us George???" Karl asked me proud of himself

"Yeah, it smells really good" I said to Karl smiling at him as he jumped excitedly.

Dream was arguing with sapnap because Dream forgot to bring sapnap's Nintendo switch that he left at our apartment.

"So Gogy how are you??" Karl asked me as he was serving himself a plate with Quackity playing with his food

"I'm pretty good Karl, waiting for our next mission to do." I told him putting down the plate he gave me.

"Guys come eat!! The food is gonna get cold" Quackity said yelling at dream and sapnap

Sapnap and dream stopped shouting at each other and slowly walked to the table side eyeing each other

"You guys act like children my goodness" I said giggling at them both dramatically sitting down

As we all ate we had conversations with each other, once we finished we went to the living room to watch a movie.

"Dude we have to watch Cinderella, she's like a fucking girl boss" quackity said grabbing the remote from Karl

"Cinderella fucking sucks Quackity!" Karl said trying to take the remote back from Quackity

"Shut up! You're just mad she found love by only loosing one shoe when you have to find love by stripping all your clothes!" Quackity yelled

"You're a bitch Quackity!" Karl shouted at him as he threw the remote at him

"AHHHH! HOLY SHIT KARL I COULDVE DIED!" Quackity yelled at he rolled around the carpet

"Yeah Karl you shouldn't have thrown the remote! Now he's bleeding like crazy" sapnap said straddling Quackity while Quackity faked cried and was showing sapnap where the remote hit

"You guys are fucking dimwits!" Karl said getting up from the couch to get the remote that flew on the other side of the room

"God this is what I have to deal with guys! Every single day!!! It's so exhausting" Karl said as he dramatically fell on the couch as he pretended to faint

Me and dream were giggling about the whole scene that just happened

"I don't know how you guys got into this job" dream said laughing

"Hey! That's rude" Quackity said pointing at dream

"It's true! You can't deny that. You guys act like children, it's so hard for you guys to stay focused on missions!" Dream said crossing his arms

"Whatever Mr I'm so good at this job and the boss loves me so much" Quackity said flipping off Dream

Finally it went quiet and we all agreed to watch zootopia

It's nice to be with them, they acts like kids but at least that keeps me distracted from any other thoughts.

918 words

WOOOAHHH I actually uploaded a chapter in less than a whole month?? Crazy....

Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter 😵‍💫 I love you all my bbgs 🤞


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