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George's pov:

It's been an hour since I got woken up from my nightmare. I'm still tired and I really want to sleep, I'm just scared to.

Dream is with me in the living room watching a movie while I kept zoning out

"Are you good George?" Dream asked

"Yeah." I had nothing else to say, I didn't want to talk.

Dream nodded his head and continued to watch tv, I've been ok. I haven't talked to Wilbur at all. I'm still wondering if it was a mistake to meet up with him or not.

My mind has been all over the place, and I know it's been all over the place. I feel numb, I don't know what to do.

"Did you want to do some training today George?" Dream asked me

"Uhm, no I don't think so."

"Are you sure everything is alright?" Dream asked again sounding more worried

I nodded my head and continued to look at the tv not really listening to what it was saying but just of the animation.

Dream wanted to watch spider-man into the spider verse, I liked the way they made the style and the animation. It makes it more entertaining with all the colors.

As I continued to watch the tv patches jumped on the couch, cuddling up besides me. I looked down towards her and started to pet her. Patches was such a good girl, she always wanted to cuddle or she would just sleep around the place. Everyone loved her here, whenever they came in patches would immediately walk to the front door, sniff them and walk around their legs. She loved the attention from others. She was such a kind kitty.

I got zoned out from my thoughts when I heard a loud crash, I jumped and looked to dream with my eyebrows knitted.

"What was that?" I said confused

"It probably was Quackity falling off his bed again, I don't know how he can't just stay in one place when sleeping" dream said sighing after

I looked back at patches and saw her sleeping peacefully, I looked at the window and the blinds were slightly open, you can see some of outside. The building, the yard with the fancy round a bout drive way with a fountain in front of it. If someone were to find a big wall that goes in a circle it would be so suspicious, but we are really far away from any big places with people. We're in the middle of a forest, who would go this deep in a forest?

The sky looked vibrant blue with perfect white clouds, I've always loved the sky. It does suck since I can't even see the colors of the sunsets or sunrises. Being colorblind isn't that bad, but sometimes it gets in your way.

I remember one time with my old boss I had to go on a mission to find some guy, guess he was hiding in a whole ass puzzle thing. One of the puzzles had 6 different colors on the wall and you had to put the right pattern. It didn't take me that long but that was because I had a person to talk to me in the earpiece. It was a little funny, but it was dumb too. The combination was the most simplest thing.

"Hey George did you want to eat, it's gonna start getting late" Dream said to me while holding a bag of chips

"Yeah, can we eat something simple tho?" I replied back, slowly pushing patches on the couch so she wasn't leaning on my leg.

"Yeah, of course. Do you want salad?" Dream asked

"That would be perfect"


After eating I felt better, I felt more awake. Me and dream started to watch another movie, this time is was tangled. I sat in the same spot I'm always at, and patches again started sleeping besides me as I petted her.

"She really likes you George, she does like attention but her cuddling with you anytime she gets? She stays with you more than me" dream said crossing his arms playfully at the end

"I'm just lovable" I smiled looking at dream

Dream scoffed and took a drink of water, "I'm gonna go shower really quick, I'll be back" he said getting up

I nodded and continued to watch the movie, it was interesting. Especially for it being a kids movie.

Tomorrow I want to hang out with Karl, he always cheers me up and let's me forget about anything I'm worrying about. I could probably tell him about the nightmare I get, I haven't really told anyone. I feel like it's just a bad memory I have to forget about, sure it's gonna be in my mind but I could get better. I just have to keep my thoughts away from it.


Hiii. Wow a post after MONTHS??? That's crazy. I've noticed a lot of people have started to read this book so I'm gonna be kind and give them more chapters. Especially the readers that have been waiting months for a new upload. I'm so sorry for any of those readers, I just haven't been wanting to write :/ but I'll try! I'm thinking of doing a texting story for my next book after this one. I feel like that would be easier and entertaining for me! But first my objective is to get this book done for all of you lovely people!!

Love you all sm <3


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