Not a chapter!!

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It's been a while huh? I've been busy with other things. Haven't had motivation to write, it takes a lot lol.

I hope that these new notifications from my story you're getting aren't confusing you guys! I'm just trying to edit the chapters to make sure I didn't have lots of autocorrects and that the paragraphs make sense lol. Looking back at comments and reading the paragraphs again make me realize how much I made mistakes in the paragraphs 😭 I feel so bad for you guys that have read most of the book and feel confused on sentences 🥲

But honestly just made this to tell how I feel and to not get you guys confused on all the things editing I'm doing. And don't worry I'm not like changing a lot in the story, just words that don't make sense. So don't worry about having to read the story again.

I hope you guys are enjoying how it is! Again, im sorry I don't post a lot. Haven't been really in the writing mood.

Love you all.


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