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George's pov:
"What messed up things did he do?"

"He did a lot Dream, I'll just say the basics, he killed many innocent people behind the company's backs, he sold drugs for about a month or two while still working in the company and helped our targets ship drugs to illegal places. He lied a lot and always got passed it, until we caught him. He agreed to all the things he did and still happily did them promising that he would stop, he did stop killing innocents but not with the drugs and other things. The worst thing he did that causes me to be here right now is blow up the company we worked for. I still dearly miss my boss, corpse and other assassins there that have passed. Of course he wasn't the only one who did the explosion but he did it with other bad , bad people. The only survivors out of the explosion were me, Wilbur, and techno." I explained to dream while looking at the tv.

"He really did do a lot of bad stuff, how come you still trust him and went to talk with him?" Dream asked tilting his head "I don't trust him at all, I just want to get something of mine from him" I responded back as he nodded "who's techno by the way?" I looked at him and cleared my throat "well, Techno is Wilburs brother, if you didn't know they're both sons of Phil, they said they have another sibling but that's when their other sibling was still very much a child." "Wait hold up Wilbur and techno are Phil's sons?!?!" Dream said cutting me off "I didn't finish speaking?" I bluntly said "No, no but listen! Tommy is Phil's son too, that child you're talking about. Wouldn't that be Tommy?" I looked at Dream shocked and nodded "yes, that makes perfect sense. I didn't even know that Tommy is Phil's son! holy shit!" "Omg George we just solved something! I never knew that Phil had other kids!" Dream said excitedly "I never knew that Tommy out of all kids would be Phil's son!"we both got excited from figuring something out that we never knew about "wow, that's crazy. Tommy's Phil's son? Compared to his brothers he seems nothing like them or his father! From his father it's the blonde I can see and the accent! No wonder techno is adopted." I said "techno is adopted?" Dream said confused "yes, he's very cold-hearted and has pink hair that is his real hair color." "Woah that's super cool" Dream said.

"Uhm, so, who was your boss?" Dream asked calming down "my boss was corpse, corpse husband. Famous and rich assassin. He was the best and the most greatest, he succeeded many things and risked his life a lot. For me to work with him made me very thankful. He took me in after finding me on the streets, after that he was a father figure to me. He was always there for me and treated me as one of his own. When he first found me he held a knife to my throat, his mmm explaining he wanted to find new good assassins, he saw me fight back and was impressed at my skills for being a 14 year old kid. He took me to his base and I started training from there." I said sighing as I finished explaining to dream "seems like you guys were close"
"Very" I replied.

"Are you hungry George? We can make something or go to the cafeteria to see if there's anything over there" Dream said while getting up "We can cook here, can we make pasta?" I asked getting off the couch "yeah we just need to go to the store to get some stuff" I nodded and we both started heading out to the other building.

"Hi Hannah and boomer" I said smiling at them "hello George!" Hannah replied small waving at me "hey dog" boomer said smiling "where you guys heading to?" Hannah asked "we're going to the store to get some stuff to make pasta" Dream said while shaking boomer's hand, "oh that sounds good! Have a nice day you too" me and dream both nodded and continued walking until we got to the building.

"Hey ant" Dream said as we walked out the elevator to the small store on the 2nd floor "hey dream! Hey George, what you guys getting?" Ant said while restocking some stuff on shelves "we're just getting some stuff to make pasta" I said smiling at ant "that sounds delicious! Hope you guys don't burn the pasta" he chuckled.

Me and dream got the stuff for the pasta and headed back to our room after talking with Hannah and boomer again. As the water was boiling I put the pasta in and drained it to put the sauce. The pasta was finished and I served it in two plates for me and dream, "the food is ready Dream" I yelled for him to hear "alright" he replied back as he closed his door. I got a water bottle and started to eat while Dream sat putting his phone in front of him and eating. I scrolled on Twitter to entertain myself then went on tiktok.

After we finished eating we both sat on the couch and watched 'The Office' for a while.

It hit the 6 pm mark and I was starting to doze off getting tired "I'm gonna take a nap" I said to dream while getting off the couch and yawning "ok, I'll be here in the living room" he said smiling, I nodded and walked to my room closing my door and dozed off to sleep as I laid in my bed listening to music.

968 words

Hi guys :] I'm back, sorry for not uploading in a while! Some things happened and it was tough for me, hopefully you all liked this chapter! I'm trying to get to the main parts of the story but still processing what I want to do. I'll try to go back to uploading every week since it is summer break! I love you all very much and I hope you're enjoying this story!


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