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George's pov:

It was already late when we left the arcade so me and dream were exhausted and fell asleep on the couch while watching the movie he put on.

I woke up at 4 am to my phone ringing and half asleep answered it

"Hello?" I said softly while rubbing my eyes,

"Oh George, sorry if I woke you. I have another mission for you and Dream at like 5. Just come to my office to get details and stuff when you guys are ready"

Philza said on the phone

"Oh ok, thanks phil" I said before hanging up and stretching.

"Dream, wake up" I shook Dream until he opened his eyes

"What?" He said yawning and stretching

"Phil said we have another mission to go to, he said go to his office in like 20"

Dream nodded and we both got up walking to our bedrooms to get dressed.

After we both got dressed and ate breakfast we headed to Phil's office to get the details for our target.

We entered his office and got greeted by him.

"So, the guy in this folder drugs people so he can take them himself. He even has his own drug business, he's had many bad records and the police haven't been able to get him because of how 'dangerous' he is. That's where I put the work for you boys" Phil explained as me and dream scanned over the folder.

"Alright, when do we leave?" Dream asked

"In 5 minutes, Charlie is already waiting for you guys"

Me and Dream nodded as we said our goodbyes to Phil and exited the office.

Me and Dream entered Charlie's car saying hi and getting ready to start driving to the location the guy was at.

When we arrived both me and dream got out the car on a road where the forest was,

"So where do we go?" I asked Dream

"We'll just go straight and try to find a broke down house or something"

I nodded and we both started walking into the woods.

After walking for about 20 minutes we saw a little house by the river, the wood was chipped, and plants were growing on it

"Looks like we found the place" I whispered to dream not trying to be loud

"We have to stay together, we don't know what this man could do"

We walked through the door with a flood board creaking a little,

"Let's check around, if you hear anything tell me." Dream whispered to me

I nodded and we went through the kitchen trying to be as quiet as we can

We both looked up hearing footsteps from the ceiling, "let's check up there or go slow?" I asked Dream pointing up

"We should go, get the job done"

I agreed and we both slowly started going up the stairs with a few creaks in the floor, we heard shuffling and stopped in our steps.

"I'll go first" Dream said

"Please be careful" I told him

He went up first, and looked back down at me nodding telling me it's clear.

I got fully up seeing a long hallway with two doors on the right, one in the center of the hallway, and one other door on the left of the wall.

The door on the left was open slightly and a pitched noise was coming from there , sounding like metal scraping on each other.

Me and dream walked through the hallway and to the door that was open, he looked through and smiled

He looked back at me telling me to be quiet and pointing to the door telling me the guy is in the room.

I nodded and dream slowly entered with the guy not hearing him come in, he told me to go behind the man and try to grab onto him.

I gave him a thumbs up and a smile, the man was facing the opposite of us and sharpening a knife.

On the floor there were red dark brown spots that looked like old blood that dried up already.

I tried to attack but the man threw his knife, missing me by a big distance, I smiled from the knife missing me and tackled him to the ground grabbing both of his hands and putting them behind his back.

"Oh my god! Your aim absolutely sucks!" I said laughing while sitting on top of his back looking at his face.

His eyes showed fear and anger from the comment I made

"Alright let's get this over with," Dream said walking towards the guy crouching down to see his face

"Hi" Dream said before telling me to let go of him

The guy tried running away but Dream easily got him, snatching him back and making him bump into his chest

Dream moved him so that they were face to face

"Now, where's all the stuff at?" Dream asked the guy in a low tone

"What stuff?" The guy said looking up at dream and trying to make his voice sound clear

"What do you mean what stuff? The drugs you dumbass"

"Why should I tell you that" the man snarled back trying to loosed dreams grip

"Just tell me so I know before killing you, I'm giving you some time right now and I'm really losing my patience"

"Fine, it's under the sink you'll find it in there"

Dream told me to go look, I walked to the bathroom and opened the door seeing the bath tub filled with water mixed with blood.

I gagged and checked under the sink pinching my nose to not spell the awful scent

I saw multiple bags filled with white pills and a toxic warning on the clear bags

"Yeah, they're here Dream" I yelled

He yelled back ok and then I heard a scream coming from the bedroom, I went back into the room seeing the man's dead body on the ground and dream wiping his hands on a random blanket in there

"Alright we're done here" Dream said trying to clean stuff up making it look like if the guy committed a suicide.

"Oh, ok" I said walking down the stairs with Dream following me

"What do you want to do today?" I said to dream walking besides him as we walk the path we did to get to the house

"We could train more" he said

I nodded seeing a butterfly and pointing at it "look! A butterfly" I said excited

"That's a pretty butterfly" he said looking at it land on my finger

"It's on my finger!" I said in awe

Dream looked at me and smiled.


GUYS! I'm so sorry for not posting!! I totally forgot to upload bc of how busy I've been. I'll try to upload more it's just been so hard with school and trying to deal with other stuff. I really hope you guys are enjoying this story so far. I love you all <3


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