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George's pov:

It's been 2 years since Dream asked me to be his boyfriend, it's been the best 2 years of my life. I've been getting better at expressing my feelings and being more comfortable with people. Me and Dream still had the same job, and we stayed as partners.

Philza was happy to find out my and dream were dating, he said that he knew and suspected it. I and Dream laughed at that and felt excited to tell more people.

We told Sapnap, quackity, and Karl first of course. Pretty much everyone we told "knew" we liked each other.

I woke up this morning to a empty space next to me, I rolled over and saw a lonely side of the bed that didn't contain dream.

I was confused and looked at my phone, I turned it on and saw that Dream had texted me 2 hours ago, it was noon and Dream didn't say he had to do anything important at all today.

I looked at the text and smiled

"U should meet me at our spot at the beach :) wear something nice pls"

The text read.

I got up and went to the bathroom, freshening up and doing my whole morning routine, I put on a black shirt, jeans, and Converse. I put on necklaces, rings, and diamond earrings that dream gifted me.

I went down the elevator and saw Ponk in front of the apartment building with his window rolled down looking like he was waiting for someone,

"Oh were you gonna take someone somewhere already? I was gonna ask you for a ride." I said sounding disappointed.

"No George I'm driving you, dream told me to drive you to wherever he sent me to.

"Oh he did? That's weird he should've just waited for me, but okay!" I got into the car and Ponk started driving to a place I memorized where to get to.

We got there and the sky looked beautiful, the breeze from the sky was amazing.

I said thank you to Ponk and he drove away after we both waved each other goodbye.

I started to walk past a couple of trees and saw the most beautiful sight.

There was a picnic blanket on the floor, a sub and a bunch of pastries scattered on it, fairy lights surrounded from above, and dream sitting peacefully and looking at the ocean.

I fetched my phone out from my pocket and took a picture, the sound of the click from the photo caused Dream to look back confused.

He saw me and stood up, he walked towards me and smiled, "you look pretty" he said hugging me from my waist.

"You look alright" I smiled, kissing him.

"What's all this for?" I said as we both walked to sit down.

"I wanted to have a little date and spend this whole day on the beach in our spot"

I sat admiring him, he looked stunning. The breeze made his long fluffy hair sway, his buttoned shirt following the movement of the wind. He had black pants on with white Converse, he had a golden chain on that we got as a matching set, and had a couple of rings on. He had on some diamond earrings he's always had and a gold chain bracelet on.

"Are you hungry?" he said pointing at all the food he had.

I nodded and we both started to eat, enjoying each other a presence and laughing our asses off together.

The more we talked and admired each other the time went by fast. It was already sunset and we were eating the chocolate strawberries that Dream had got.

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