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George's pov:

I ended up staying asleep until the next morning at 9:30 to dream calling me saying we need to head down to Phil's office.

I got dressed and went in the kitchen to eat some cereal before Dream was ready.

10 minutes went by and he finally came out of his room "why are you rushing me when it took you like 20 minutes to just get dressed?" I said washing my dish. "I was doing something" he replied putting on his shoes and looking in the mirror to fix his hair, "what took you that long" I asked "I had to sign some paperwork" he sighed walking out the door, "ugh you're too fast slow down" I said speed walking to get besides him, he chuckled as we both got in the elevator.

We walked into Phil's office being greeted by him, "I've got another mission for you guys, since you haven't had a lot of missions recently" he said looking at me. We both nodded signaling Phil to continue, "here's the guy's folder, he's kidnapped multiple people and have done bad things to them. His name is John boat, he usually hangs around playgrounds or bars to get his victims" Phil explained to us. "When do we start?" Dream asked "tomorrow you'll go to the bar downtown where all the main stores are at" Phil said clearing his throat "alright, thanks Phil" Dream said smiling at him "of course, now go ahead and do what you guys gotta do for the day" he said as we all got up exiting the door, we said bye to Phil and walked in the elevator. "Yay another mission" I said to dream, "yeah, what did you want to do today?" He asked me "I don't know, Probably might go to Karl's for a bit?" He nodded "alright, good. I'll go with you"
"Oh ok" I said as we started walking to Karl's apartment.

We knocked on the door and saw Karl open the door "George! Dream! Hi guys" he said letting us in "hi Karl" I said hugging him "hey Karl, where's sap and Quackity?" Dream said sitting on the couch "oh saps in his room with Quackity playing Minecraft" he said pointing to a door at the end of the hallway. "Oh alright" Dream said getting up and walking to the end of the hallway "so, what's up?" Karl said as we both sat down in the living room. "Not much, we got a new mission from Phil. that's pretty much it." I shrugged "oh, well should we go check on the boys?" Karl asked, I nodded and we both got up hearing yelling.

We opened the door a little bit seeing them all circling around sapnap, "Mierda! Apestas a este idiota!" Quackity yelled pointing at the screen "shut up Quackity! I don't even know what you're saying!" Sapnap yelled back looking at him "you guys are so dumb! Respawn" Dream yelled at sapnap pointing at the respawn button. "What the fuck?" I said looking at them with a confused face, they looked back at me and Karl, Karl cleared his throat and opened the door more "anyways, I'm  kinda hungry. What do you guys want to eat?" Karl asked them "oo can we please get pizza!" Quackity squealed, they all agreed as me and karl sat on the bed, Karl ordering the pizza.
There was a knock at the door, me and Karl left to check, "oh hey Hannah!" Karl said as he took the pizza box and garlic bread from her "hey Karl, hey George!" She said, "hey Hannah" I responded. "Hope you guys enjoy the pizza" Hannah waved to us as we said our goodbyes. "Boys the food is ready!" I yelled so they can hear me, I heard the door open and a bunch of chatter "YEAH FOOD!" Quackity yelled "calm down" I said to him. "I'm so hungry" Sapnap said eyeing the pizza "I am too" Dream agreed. Everyone got their food and sat in the living room.
It was already 3:24 and we finished eating and continued watching the office, "I'm getting tired" Dream yawned stretching. "If you wanna take a nap you could always sleep in my room" Sapnap said to dream "yeah man, thanks" Dream grumbled walking to sapnap's room. "So George, you enjoying your partner?" Quackity said looking at me "yeah, I mean we've been doing some stuff together" I shrugged "well that's good! At least you guys are getting a long" Sapnap said "it's a good start" Karl giggled. "What do you mean start? It's been like I don't know two weeks?" I said to Karl "oh nothing I was talking about something else" Karl smiled, I gave him a confused look and went back to watching tv.

"I'm getting tired!" I whined laying down on karl "get off George! I can't breath!" Karl said trying to push me off "no!!" I hugged him tight so he couldn't move as much "help sapnap! Quackity help! Help guys!!" Karl yelled trying to wiggle out "HUG TIME!" Quackity said jumping on top of me "oof! Quackity no get off!" I said kicking my feet "HAHA!! I'M RECORDING QUACKITY IM RECORDING" Sapnap yelled laughing, the door opened and we saw a grumpy looking dream "what the fuck guys? I'm trying to take a nap!" He grumbled rubbing his eyes "sorry" We all said at the same time "damn right you guys are sorry" he huffed as he went back in the room, shutting the door behind him. "Now I wanna take a nap!" I said out of breath, "you're so fucking extra George! Karl literally had two people on top of him" quackity laughed drinking water "yeah!" Karl said crossing his arms, meanwhile Sapnap was laughing at his phone because of the video he took "holy shit this is hilarious" Sapnap said laughing again. "Ughh" I whined resting my head on Karls shoulder "go sleep with Dream George!" Karl said putting a movie on "nooo! Can't I just nap right here" I said already falling asleep.
Karl's pov:

I made sure george was fully asleep and giggled getting an idea "we should prank George and Dream guys" I said to sapnap and Quackity "what do you want to do?" Sapnap questioned "we should put him in your bed so he can sleep with Dream!" I smiled looking at Sapnap "holy shit that's the best idea!" Sapnap said as Quackity agreed. Sapnap picked George up as I opened the door for him. We put George besides Dream and put the blanket on top of both of them, we all laughed and took a picture of them as we left the room to watch a movie all giggling as we sat down.

1133 words
A filler chapter :] sorry I uploaded a little late! Hopefully you guys are liking the story so far :D love you all <3


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