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George's pov:

It was Saturday morning, the day for the mission we needed to do.

Me and dream got up at 7 am getting ready in our uniform and making sure to eat a short breakfast before we go to get our gear. (Photo reference for uniform is at the beginning of the story)

As me and dream got to the weapons I got my usual weapons and dream got his usual weapons too. We both got all our stuff and extras just incase anything happens. We started walking to the apartments to go into Phil's office for anymore information we needed. Once we got there we knocked on his office door and a guard from the inside opened his office door "hello Phil" Dream said nodding "hi Phil" I said as me and dream sat down, "hello boys, today is your mission. As you both know. This guy will be a easy kill as he does just stay out in the streets and does a bunch of deals and other things. Right now we have Karl looking at the cameras already easily knowing his location. He's by Kay's cafe in the alleyway about 2 streets down from there. Now, it's time for you to both go." Me and dream both nodded and left his office.

"This won't be hard" Dream said as we entered the elevator. I nodded in response agreeing to what he said.

We got to the car, Charlie was one of the drivers and had the location popped up on the screen. "Alright boys, ready to do this?" Me and dream both nodded and Charlie started driving to the destination.

As we started to arrive we passed the alleyway and Charlie parked about 3 streets down in another alleyway. "Alright guys, wish you luck" me and dream put the ear set in and heard Karl "hey guys, you can hear me right?" Me and dream both said yes and continued walking behind buildings making sure we don't get spotted by any random person. We saw our target making a deal with a teenage boy that has brown hair with a black hoodie, black pants, and white air forces.

After the teenager left our target started walking towards us "hey buddy" Dream said as he started walking closer to our target "uh hey?" The guy said backing up looking nervous "so what's up with you doing all this shit?" Dream asked him while cornering him against a wall. "W-what do you mean? I don't do nothing" the guy stuttered out clearly trying to find a way to escape under dreams grip "don't act dumb, I literally just saw you pass a bag of clearly a drug to the teenage boy. I'm not blind" Dream wrapped his hands around his neck and started to choke him "h-hey dude wait I can't breath!" The guy said as he tried kicking and taking dreams hands off his neck. I watched as the guy slowly gave up and got thrown on the floor. "Alright that should be good, help me get any evidence yeah?" Dream asked me as he kneeled down to the guy that was dead on the ground. I nodded and walked over to the body.

"Nice job guys, get that done in less than 15 minutes if you can" we heard Karl say in the ear piece, me and dream hummed a yes as we tried to make it act like a suicide. I found his wallet on the ground and took the money in it "really George?" Dream said looking at me with bland eyes "what? Money is money" I said rolling my eyes at him as we continued to look for the drugs he had.

About 6 minutes passed and we started heading to where Charlie was waiting for us in the car "nice to know everything went well" Charlie said as he started to drive the car back to base "yeah, easy one" dream said as he got on his phone. I opened my phone and saw a notification from a unknown number.
(Bold text = George
Italicized = message sent)

(1) •••-•••-••••
-Hey George, surprised you're still alive and well. We haven't talked after what happened. Texting you since I just wanted to catch up.
(Read 3:24)

-Who's this?
(Read 3:26)

-It's wilbur, wilbursoot.

-Woah it's the person who left me, cool.

-Oh George, cmon? We leave the past in the past hun. This is the present now.

-Don't act all friendly now wilbur, we're not friends anymore after what you did to me.

-Oh george didn't I just say the past is in the past? I'm trying to start over with you George. You're such a good person how can I live without you? :(

-You lived without me for 7 years already.

-But George that doesn't count! I finally found your number so I can talk to you.

-everything counts wilbur.

-George, hun cmon. Lets just start over yeah? I'll meet you at (whatever cafe name you want) at 3:00 pm tomorrow! :)

-fine wilbur, but this is your last chance.
(Read 3:42)

George shut off his phone and sighed "what's wrong George?" Dream asked looking at the stressed George "Nothing important" Dream took the answer and nodded.

They arrived back at the base and put their weapons away, starting to head to their apartment to tell Phil they got the job done and get changed out of their uniforms.

They got to Phil's office and knocked "come in" Phil said before Dream opened the door "so you guys got the mission done?" Phil asked looking up from the papers he had scattered on his desk "yes Phil, we made it act like if it was a suicidal case" Dream replied giving Phil all the information "good! Glad you guys work good together. Now go get changed out of your uniforms already and get some rest and relaxation. You guys totally deserve it!" Phil said as he smiled at both me and dream, we both replied with the gesture and walked out of Phil's office heading to our apartment to change.

1020 words

HI GUYS! Sorry I didn't post last week I had no motivation to do so. I hope you guys liked this chapter! Love you all <3


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