Twenty Five

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March 23, 1996

After all that happened with Rene, Janet and Tupac decided some time away from California would be good. So, they flew out to Tupac's house in Stone Mountain, Georgia.

They would stay until May so they would be back in time for Janet's 30th birthday. Tupac was planning on throwing Janet a surprise party and finally going on their honeymoon after. After everything that had happened within the last month, he just wanted his wife to relax.

His mother had already agreed to watch Elijah those two weeks they would be gone. They were going to Greece because Janet said she always wanted to go.

At the moment, Tupac was dressing Elijah so they could go to the Georgia Aquarium.
Janet was outside on the back porch, writing a song. Being closer to nature was always inspiring for her. They'd only been in Georgia for three days but the country girl inside her was already loving it. Puffy was especially loving it. They had lots of room in the backyard for her to run around.

"Hmm?" Janet turned her head to see Tupac with Elijah in his arms.
"You ready to go?"
"Yes. I just need to put my shoes on."
She put on her crocs and got up.

They were already in the car so she picked up her purse, locked the door and finally got in the passenger seat.
"You look so handsome, Hubby."
"And you look beautiful, Wifey."
"You better stop before you get me all fired up."
"Cool out girl, you're gonna make my dick fall off."

They'd had sex every night since they got to Georgia. Janet had been so occupied with her baby and her man, she failed to realize her period was a week late. She only realized it earlier when she was outside because she could finally had a moment to herself. She could finally think for a second.

When she finally got to thinking she realized she should've gotten her period the week before, but she didn't. She questioned if she was having any pregnancy symptoms. She was sleeping a lot more than usual and found herself having to use the bathroom more.

Am I...? Oh God, I am. Elijah isn't even a year old yet. What am I gonna do? Can I handle two babies?And will he feel about this?

She shook her head and thought about the bright side...was there even one? Well, Elijah would have a sibling which meant she wouldn't have anymore kids for some years. Hopefully.

Janet wasn't against giving Elijah a sibling, but she wanted to wait a few years. At least until he was in elementary school.

There was one thought that plagued her mind no matter how hard she tried to ignore it.

What if I lose the baby?

As much as she wished it wasn't true, she knew she was pregnant. She wasn't happy about it but she wasn't exactly mad about it either. She didn't know exactly how she felt. All she knew was she needed to talk to her husband.


They were at the aquarium, pushing Elijah around in his stroller. This was her favorite part of being a parent, she got to experience things with her baby boy.

Tupac was just enjoying the fact that Janet was feeling better now that they weren't in LA. They'd stay out on the back porch almost every night, talking. She was calm and so much more relaxed. That's all he wanted for his babies.

This was Elijah's first time visiting an aquarium in his short six months of life.
He was definitely enjoying himself, his mother had never seen his eyes light up in that way before. It made her heart happy to hear her Pumpkin's little squeals of delight. Suddenly, she had a change of heart. She wanted her baby, she was just scared

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