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July 3, 1995
"Baby.." Janet kissed Tupac's cheek. At 29 weeks Janet was eating a lot more than usual. He was asleep, knocked cold. Ever since he got back home, he was just trying to enjoy everything as much as he could.

"Yes babe?" He answered groggily.
"Will you go get me some Fruitopia from the fridge?" Janet said softly.
He rubbed his eyes and looked over at the clock.
"Babe, it's four in the morning."
"I know, but me and Elijah are thirsty. And he's keeping me up."
"Okay sweetheart. What kind do you want?" Tupac reached over and turned on the nightside lamp. Her eyes lit up.

"The beach one please." She asked sweetly, rubbing her bump.
Janet looked down at her stomach. "Tell Daddy thank you."
"Thank you Daddy." She said in a baby voice and flashed him that smile he loved so much.
"You're welcome, baby." Tupac said before heading downstairs. He was greeted by Puffy when he got into the kitchen.
"Hey girl." He patted her head. She wagged her tail.
He grabbed a bottle from the fridge and went back upstairs with Puffy following closely behind.
He entered their bedroom to see Janet had fallen back asleep.
"Aww my baby fell asleep.." He said softly to himself and sat down on the bed before turning on the television.
He absentmindedly drank it while he watched.
Tupac set the bottle down on the night stand and turned to Janet's stomach.

"Hey, little's your daddy. I know I haven't been here the whole time but I promise you daddy will always be here from now on." Tupac whispered to his son.
"I swear on my life I would never let anything happen to you as long as I can help it. Daddy would do anything for you, Elijah. I love you so much already. I loved you from the moment Mommy told me about you. I can't wait to meet you, I just know you're gonna be something special." Tupac placed his hand on Janet's stomach in hopes that his son would show him that he heard him. He felt Elijah lightly tap against her stomach.

"I love you, Peanut. I can't wait to meet you." He kissed her stomach.
He didn't know Janet heard everything he said.
She didn't know how she got so lucky.

Just a cute little chapter. I hope you guys like it.
Vote and comment.
- Kelc

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