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August 15, 1995
Tupac and Janet were in Doctor James' office excitedly waiting to see their son. Janet was now almost 36 weeks pregnant, 8 months.

"Janet it is so good to see you again," Dr. James said as she hugged her before pulling back.
"What is this I see on your finger?!" She said as she got everything in order for the ultrasound. Tupac helped Janet up onto the table.
"We got married last month. In fact it's our one month today." Janet smiled over at her husband.
"Well congratulations. I'm so happy for you."
"Thank you. My brother and sister in law surprised me and got Boyz II Men to perform at the reception." Janet beamed as she talked to Dr. James.
"Oh my gosh! Why did you want Boyz II Men? What's the story behind that?" She said as she covered Janet's stomach in gel.
"Well after Tupac proposed to me, the first song I heard was On Bended Knee," Janet turned to look at Tupac.
"That just so happens to be our song. I felt like that was a sign from God, telling me he's the one for me."
"That's so sweet, Janet." She moved the wand until she could see Elijah.
Janet looked at the screen quietly, waiting to hear that heartbeat she loved. She let out a sigh of relief when she finally heard it.
"You're 36 weeks pregnant almost. He's getting really big now. You'll notice his kicks become less frequent as you get closer to your due date. That's because there's less room now. You'll feel him shift a little bit."
"Just four more weeks." Tupac said, taking it all in.
"How are you guys feeling? Are you guys ready?"
"I'm very excited. I'm ready to see that little face."
"How about you, Tupac?"
"I'm excited too, but of course I'm nervous too."

They left the appointment with their sonogram pictures and headed home.
"He definitely has your lips, Pac."
"And my nose."
"Your everything basically. You carry a baby nine months for them to come out looking like their father. Ain't that some shit." She shook her head.
"Maybe someday when we have a girl, she'll look like you." Tupac said.
"We'll see."

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