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June 30, 1995
Today was the day of Janet's surprise baby shower. Janet was now twenty eight weeks pregnant, seven months. Afeni, Katherine, and Mariah had planned it all out. At the moment, Janet was sleeping peacefully, dreaming about her fiancé.

"Baby, I'm home.." Tupac entered their home to see  very pregnant Janet sitting in the rocking chair, singing quietly to her stomach.
"Pookie! I missed you so much." Janet struggled to get up out of the rocking chair and stretched out her arms for help.
"Let me help you, sweetheart." Tupac grabbed her hands and helped her to her feet.
"Wow, you look so beautiful." He stared at her in awe.
Janet blushed as Tupac admired her.
"Your stomach got so big since I last saw you. And you never took off your ring.." He kissed her hand.
"Of course I never took it off, love." She cupped his face, "You are the love of my life and there's no one else I'd rather be with. And there's no one else I'd rather be having a baby with than you. You're going to be an amazing father, I just know it.."
"I'm glad you're having my baby. And I'm glad I'll get to wake up next to you for the rest of our days." He kissed her forehead.
"He's kicking." She smiled up at him. "He must know his daddy is home." She grabbed his hand and placed it on her bump.
Tupac kneeled until he was in front of her stomach. "Hi, Little Man. Daddy's back home now and he's not going anywhere." He spoke softly to his son.
Elijah kicked his foot lightly against his father's hand.
"Do you really mean that, honey?" Janet asked, with tears in her eyes. He rose up until he and Janet were face to face.
"Yes, baby I mean that. You and Elijah need me and I need both of you." He softly kissed her.
Then his beeper went off.
"I need to go to the studio love."
"Tupac, you just got back please don't go..I have a bad feeling about this. Stay here with me." She gripped his arm.
"Baby I'll be right back. I'll just go tell them I'm staying here. Okay?"
She released her grip and sat back down. Not even a minute had passed before she heard two gunshots. She pushed herself up and ran out the door. Tupac was laying on the sidewalk bleeding out. She let out a blood curdling scream.
"No no!! I told you to stay in the house! Please don't leave me! We need you!"

Janet woke up in a panic, her body covered in sweat. She turned over to see her clock read 12:39 PM.

God I need him to come home.

She felt her son move. "I'm sorry, Pumpkin. I know that dream was a bit scary." Janet rubbed her stomach.
"Mommy is here though, baby." She poked her stomach in effort to get her son to respond back. He kicked back. "I can't wait to meet you." She smiled.
Ring Ring.
She heard the familiar sound.  "Hi, Janet." Her mother said on the other end.
"Hi mother."
"How is my grand baby doing?" She asked affectionately.
"He's doing good, he was just moving a minute ago."
Damn I wasn't supposed to say that!
"He?" Katherine said.
"Oops..I wasn't supposed to say that.. please don't tell anyone yet, Mother." Janet begged.
"I won't honey. But will you please get dressed for our get together at the house?"
"Oh yes of course. Just give me about ten minutes and I'll be ready."
Janet wore a lavender sundress, her box braids and she wore some silver hoops and lip gloss. She went bare faced since she would just be around her family.
Once she arrived, she was greeted by Michael, Mariah who was holding her niece Ariah, and Afeni at the front door.
"Hi big brother." She hugged Michael. "Long time no see, little sister." He replied back.
"Hi Mimi." Janet greeted her sister in law with a smile.
"Hi Janet."
"Hi Ri Ri." Janet kissed her niece's cheeks.
Janet turned to Afeni and hugged her, "Hey mama. How are you?"
"I'm doing good. How are you baby girl?" She smiled, placing her hands on Janet's small bump.
"I'm okay but this baby is wearing me out..I'm gonna go in the house." She huffed with her hand on her hip.
"Wait!" Mariah grabbed her arm. "We have a surprise for you in the backyard."
"Girl it's hot! I just wanna sit down." Janet groaned.
"Janet, baby, just come on. It's important." Afeni hooked arms with her.
"Alright fine."
Mariah linked to her other arm and they lead her to the backyard. "
You're gonna love the surprise sis!" She assured her.
"Yeah, yeah. What could be so important that you had to drag me out here in this hot ass California weath—"
"Surprise!!!!" Her family shouted. She turned to see her siblings and her nieces and nephews.
"Oh my God!" Janet exclaimed, looking around.
The backyard was decorated in shades of blue and pink.
"You guys planned a baby shower for me?" Janet turned to Mariah, Afeni and Michael. "You guys didn't have to do this for me.." She said with tears brimming her eyes. She fanned her eyes and laughed.
"Yes we did, baby." She heard a deep voice from behind her.

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