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May 17, 1995
Janet was at the facility in New York, visiting Tupac.
Since her last visit, Tupac had spent a lot of his time, thinking about his unborn child. He worried whether he would be a good father.

Janet had spent a lot of nights worrying about Tupac, that and all the movement from her baby. Crying herself back to sleep when she reached over and realized he wasn't there to hold her or kiss her.

"Ms. Jackson, how lovely to see you again. Follow me."
"It's good to see you too, Shonnie."
"How's the baby and how far along are you?"
"I'm almost 22 weeks now, Doing good, keeping me up at night, got me eating all types of crazy shit. I'm loving every minute of it, though. I love watching my stomach grow day by day and all the little quirks of pregnancy."
"I remember those days. My kids are teenagers now. Enjoy this time while you can."
"I will."
"Now, enjoy your time with your man."
"I will try. Thank you again, Shonnie."
"You're welcome, Janet."

She sat down at the familiar metal table and the guard led to Tupac to the table. As he got closer to the table a smile spread across her face.
Janet stood to greet him.

"Hi, baby!" She kissed his lips. He pulled back and looked down at Janet's slight pudge. He looked forward to seeing her stomach grow during each visit.
"Aww, look at my baby. I like the hair. I see you tryna look like me" He touched her now short cut hair.
"Nigga, don't even try it. Bald headed ass." She laughed.
They sat down. "How are you, Sweetheart?" He grabbed her hand.
"I'm okay. I'm about 21 weeks now. The constant movement makes it hard to sleep sometimes!" She laughed rubbing her pudge.

Lately the baby barely moved at day and was more active at night, causing Janet to stay up most nights, sleeping during the day.

"Speaking of my son, where are those pictures you promised me? And also I wrote a song. I want you to sing the hook."
"Here, Bighead!" She put the pictures down and slid them to Tupac.
"Wow..that's our little peanut. I can't believe it." He traced the outline of the baby with his finger.
"Neither can I, but when I go to my appointment on the 20th I promise to send you the pictures.." Janet said excitedly.
"I wish I could experience all of this with you..I just miss you." He said sincerely.
"I miss you too baby. These nights I keep waking up and reaching for you, but you're not there. I can't wait until you're back in our bed with me."
"Promise me one thing, Square?"
"Anything, my love."
"I don't need you stressing yourself and the baby with coming back and forth to see me. Okay?"
"Your mama said the same thing..but baby my doctor said it's fine for me to fly and by the time I can't anymore, you'll be coming home."
"How was your birthday, baby?"
"It was nice. I celebrated with my family and your mom and sister came too. And even your dad came. Oh! Tina and Tish too! The best present though, is being able to carry your child, Tupac."
May 20, 1995
"Ready to see your baby?"
"Yes, ma'am."
Dr. James silently worked while Janet squeezed Afeni's hand tightly. "So there's your baby, right there. You're 22 weeks now. Since you're five months, your baby can see tell the difference between light and dark. So if you shine a flashlight at your stomach, he might just move..and he's starting to be able to hear now." She said as she pointed at the screen.

Janet looked at the screen, giggling seeing that her baby was sucking his thumb.
"That's my baby.. looks like they got their daddy's big ass head."
Dr. James laughed. "Do you wanna find out the gender now?"
"Yes ma'am."
Dr. James moved the wand around until she got a clear view. Janet squeezed Afeni's hand gently and looked over at her.
"Janet, it looks like you are having a...boy!" Dr. James exclaimed.
"Told you." Afeni smirked.
"Well I'll be damned, your bald headed ass Daddy was right." She said to her stomach.
Janet thought about having a little version of Tupac running around her house, driving her crazy.
"Well I'll be right back with your pictures and I look forward to seeing you in a few weeks." Dr. James left the room to let Janet have some time to herself.
"Ma, I'm gonna be one month postpartum when he comes back.. I'm afraid the baby won't be able to bond with him because he was gone.." Janet sighed heavily.
"Princess, don't worry about that. You know what you should do?"
"What's that Mama?" Janet looked at her.
"Play his music for the baby but I really wouldn't worry about it. That baby is going to know that his father loves him, I promise you that."
"Now, it's time to decorate the nursery!"
Dr. James brought Janet the sonogram pictures and Afeni took her to get some food.

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