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August 29, 1995
Today was Michael's big suprise party. Janet and and Mariah were decorating Neverland while Michael was at the doctor's office with the twins.
"Do you think he knows?" Mariah asked as she hung some streamers.
"Mmm..maybe.  You can't keep a secret for shit." Janet laughed.
"Girl fuck you!" She playfully shoved her.
"Hey, you better chill out before my son comes out here to beat you up. He's kicking right now."
"I ain't scared of you, Elijah Amaru."  She crouched down in front of Janet's stomach.
Mariah stood back up and they continued with their decorating, in comfortable silence for a moment.
"You know, Jay...I've been thinking about Alicia a lot lately. Watching the twins growing up, it kills me knowing she never even got the chance. She would've been four years old next year."
Mariah stopped and looked at Janet.
"Janet, me and Michael would've had a four year old.."

Janet saw her eyes gloss and the anguish written all over her face.
Janet pulled Mariah close to her.
"Mimi, Alicia is always, always with you. I miss her too."
"Corinne would've been four too, next year. I know Alicia and Corinne are up there in heaven with Marley and my grandma Crystal Lee. She's okay, sis."

Mariah wiped a tear away, "I know..every time I look at Ariah's little face, I just see her. It's so evil what happened to her. One day I'll be able to tell my truth. I feel like a bad mother."

"Are you kidding me? Those babies adore you."

Janet held Mariah for a minute before they both deeply inhaled. "I want you to cherish the kids that are here with you now. They love their mommy."

"You're right." She wiped her tears away put the last streamer up. She looked around one last time before deciding the room looked festive enough.
She bought red and black balloons and streamers. Those were Michael's favorite colors.

"So when is everyone coming over?" Janet asked, rubbing her bump.
"They should be here in a few minutes and then Michael should get here a little while after."

The rest of the day was spent celebrating the legendary man that was Michael Jackson, but a normal person to his family. His kids, nieces and nephews knew him as just Michael.

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