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June 4, 1995
Janet was now twenty-five weeks. She was at Afeni's house, just spending quality time with her. Her nights had become harder and harder without Tupac by her side. On top of that, her baby boy was keeping her up, most nights.

"So how are you feeling?" Afeni asked.
"I'm so excited! I'm really going to be a mother in three months." She looked at her stomach, feeling a soft kick from her baby boy, as if he knew his mother was talking about him.
"I'm so glad honey. You thinking about having a baby shower?" Afeni glanced over at Janet.
"I would love that, but I don't know if I could without Pac being there. It's just gonna be too hard.." Janet sighed and rubbed her stomach.

Little did she know, Afeni, Mariah and Katherine had been planning her a surprise baby shower since she told everyone the news. It was going to take place at the end of June because she would be about seven months by then.

"Princess, I know it's hard right now, but the rest of us are here for you and we're excited about the baby too." Afeni said in an effort to make Janet feel better, placing her hand over hers'.
"I appreciate that, Ma. I'll think about it."

Janet got up and headed home to get ready for her flight to New York. She couldn't wait to show Tupac the baby pictures. And she couldn't wait to call Mariah when she got back.
She arrived at the facility excited to share the big news. She hugged him as tightly as she could without hurting her stomach.

"Look at that stomach..I still can't believe you're having my baby." He smiled and rubbed her stomach. "You look beautiful."
"Thank you Pookie." She said as she sat down.
"Hi sweetheart." He said.
"You came up with any names yet?"
"I have two in mind. Isaiah or Elijah, but I really want him to be named Elijah." She looked down at her bump.
"I love that..what made you pick Elijah?"
"It's in the bible. Elijah was a prophet and miracle worker so I think that name would fit our son perfectly.. I also want him to have your middle name. Also because you said that name in one of your songs."
"Elijah Amaru..I like that.." He smiled at her. "I love you so much. I hope you know that."
"And I love you and I can't wait for us to meet our son."
"He's gonna be amazing. Especially if he's anything like his mommy."
"He's kicking right now. You hear your Daddy, Pumpkin?"
"Aww you done got soft on me, Square. You have a nickname for him already?"
"What?! You're still calling me Square even though I have proven to you time and time again, I am in fact not a square. He's gonna be born in the fall so he's our little pumpkin."
"You are so corny, but it's cute so Imma let it slide."
"Let it slide? I'm your fiancée so of course you will." She laughed showing him her ring.
"Yes I know..and my baby mama. I'm stuck with you forever." He laughed.
"And I'm stuck with you. Can I tell you something, baby?"
"Of course, Sweetheart."
"Your mom thinks I should have a baby shower. What do you think?"
"Yes. Without a doubt. This is our first baby and we should celebrate every little thing."
"You're not gonna be there.." She frowned.
"Square, I will be there. Our son is made of some parts of me and some parts of you so in a way I will be there."
"You're not gonna be there when he's born...and it's killing me."
"I know, baby. Every day I'm just praying for a miracle. Praying that," He lowered his voice. "That Ayanna will tell the truth. So I can come home with you and Elijah."
"Me too, Pookie." She sighed.
"I think he's gonna look like you."
"Nah he looks like you, he has your nose and your lips."
"You think so, Square?" He questioned, examining the ultrasound picture Janet gave him.
"Elijah Amaru Shakur..I like that."
"Me too."
Hey guys just a little quick update. The next chapter will be wayyyy longer. Vote and comment. Peace and be wild
- Kelc

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