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September 1, 1995
Janet was now 8 months and 37 weeks. As her due date slowly approached, she started nesting. She was arranging the clothes in Elijah's nursery and putting them into drawers.

"Can I try something baby?" Tupac asked innocently.
Janet cocked her eyebrow. "Like what?"
"You'll see just wait here. I'll be back." He kissed her forehead and hurried off.

"Pumpkin I'm sorry your Daddy is so crazy." She laughed and felt Elijah shift.
He came back with a pair of headphones and a CD player.

"I wanna see how he'll react to the song."
She nodded and he placed the headphones on her stomach.
Elijah kicked so hard Janet almost thought she was going into labor.
"What are you playing? He's going crazy."
"I'm playing your song."
"Which one?"
"Because of Love."
"He must know that song is for him."

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