Twenty Two

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March 3, 1996

Last year, MTV had approached Tupac about doing a documentary on him. He eagerly agreed to it. They started filming January 6th and would continue until November.

It would be simply titled, 'A Year in the Life of Tupac Shakur'. Of course Elijah and Janet would have cameos in the film, but Janet was trying to keep it to a minimum. She didn't want any of the shine taken from her husband.

Janet was so proud of Tupac, it made her heart happy to see him getting the shine he so rightly deserved. She just hoped it wouldn't get to his head. It was already big enough.

Elijah was growing up beautifully. Day by day, he grew. He was no longer that sleepy newborn she once had, but an active infant. He was good baby, naturally smiley and curious. He and Puffy were two peas in a pod. From the day he was born, Puffy was naturally protective of Elijah.

Tupac was in the studio while Janet and Elijah enjoyed a quiet day at home. Elijah was on his play mat, playing with some toys while Janet watched a little bit of television.
"Pumpkin, we need to go to the store. You ready to go bye bye?" She tilted her head at him.

To Janet's surprise, Elijah began to crawl towards her.

"Oh my God, baby, you're crawling!!"
After he crawled over to her she scooped him up.
"I'm so proud of you, Elijah!" She kissed his little face which made him laugh. It was moments like this where being a mother felt like the most rewarding job ever. To see those milestones your baby reaches, that made everything worth it.

"You know, Pumpkin, Mommy has been so stressed lately I forgot to stop and enjoy these moments we have together. I know you won't be this little forever."

He looked at Janet as if he understood every word she said.
"Thank you for helping Mommy enjoy the moment again. You're the best son I could've ever hoped to have. You always make me feel better."

"You're my angel..." She sang which made Elijah smile.

She was still slightly anxious about that day, nothing would ease her mind until she knew for sure he wouldn't bother them anymore. Especially not her baby. Something deep down told her it wasn't over. She knew he would be back.

Janet stood up and went upstairs with Elijah in her arms to get ready to go shopping.
"I can't wait to rub it in your Daddy's face that you took your first steps while he was gone. He's gonna be so mad he missed it."

She sat him down on their bed and placed one of his toys in front of him. 'That should keep him occupied long enough for me to get dressed.' She thought.

She put on a crop top and some shorts, it was hot outside. As it always was in LA.
"Okay, baby boy let's get you dressed."
She put him in Winnie the Pooh overalls and shirt with a bucket hat. Mariah bought him the outfit.

"Oh my gosh, you look so cute!! I have to take a picture." Janet squealed.
She grabbed her polaroid and took a picture of Elijah. She left the picture on the dresser and picked him up.

"Let's roll, Jellyroll."

Janet got her purse and keys and they headed off to the store. She pretty much always went shopping at Smart & Final because Tupac knew the manager. It was the only place she could shop without being bothered.

She could be normal. A normal mother grocery shopping with her baby.

It was a beautiful day outside. Janet would never get tired of the warm summer breeze, palm trees and blue skies. It felt like heaven.

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