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April 22, 1995
Tupac had been in jail for two months. He went in on a plea deal, because his lawyer thought it was his best option.

While Janet was on tour, she wrote him letters and whenever she could visit him she did.  Every time she stared at her engagement ring she counted all the months until he would finally be home.

Her tour was finally ending and she was ready to go back home. Janet had a big surprise for Tupac. While she was in Berlin, she discovered her period was late.
That night, Janet had just got back in her hotel room and her and Tina were talking about the show.
"Tina," Janet said from the bathroom.
"Yes J?"
"I think I'm pregnant." Janet said as she posed in the mirror.
"Are you serious?" She walked into the bathroom.
Janet lifted her shirt so Tina could see the slight pudge in her stomach.
"Oh my God."
"I still haven't gotten my period."
"When's the last time you and Tupac had sex?"
"December 24."
"Yep, you're definitely pregnant! You're barely showing."
"I hope the baby isn't too small." She said worriedly and placed her hands on her stomach.
"The baby is fine Janet."
"I'm gonna schedule an appointment when I get back."
"You just call me and let me know. I'm calling it now, Ms. Jackson is gonna be a mommy." She said cheerfully, making Janet chuckle.
She rubbed her bump and looked at herself in the mirror. I'm gonna be a Mommy.

At first she assumed it was from the stress of touring, and just dismissed it, but it was now April, damn near May, and still no period. Janet knew she was pregnant..she just couldn't believe it.
She noticed the changes her body was going through. Her breasts her getting bigger, she was hungry all the time and her clothes seemed a little bit tighter.

She was on her flight back to California, writing a song. As soon as she got off the plane she went to Rite Aid and purchased a pregnancy test. When she got home she called Mariah.
"Hey Jan. You made it home safe?"
"Yes. Mimi, I need your help with something. Can you come over please?" Janet asked softly.
"Of course. I'm on the way. I might have to bring the twins is that okay?"
"Of course."
"All right. See you then."

Janet turned on the television to MTV. Living Single
was on. She needed something to calm her nerves. She quietly hummed to herself while she went to the kitchen and made herself a sandwich. After all, Santa Barbara was an hour away from where Janet lived. She had time to kill.
"Puffy, come here girl!" Janet called her dog.
She jumped up next to Janet on the sofa and laid her head in her lap.
Puffy wouldn't even sleep in her bed most nights. She would wait for Tupac by the front door and fall asleep there.

What if I am pregnant? I can't have a baby with my fiancé in jail.

It was 3:00, meaning Tupac could call her right now. Right then, her phone rang.
"Collect call from Clinton Correctional Facility. Will you accept the charges?"
"Yes." Janet answered.
"Hi, sweetheart." Tupac's soft tone made Janet smile.
"Hi, baby." She spoke in a jubilant tone.

Janet's sweet voice was enough to make Tupac miss her even more. Most days it didn't hurt as much but if she was carrying his child she knew she would be missing him even more.

"How are you doing? You hanging in there?"
"You know I am, baby girl." He laughed.
"That's my pookie." She smiled.
"Baby..I miss you so much." She sniffled, feeling her heart break a little.
"I miss you more, Square. You better not be crying! Where's Puffy?" He said, making her laugh. She sniffled and wiped a tear away.
"I'm not..but she's right here with her head in my lap. She really misses you baby."
"I miss her too. I wish I was there so I could make you feel better. Keep your head up, baby. Wipe those tears away, I'll be home before you know it." Tupac said.
"Please promise me you won't get into any more trouble after you're out..I need you." Janet pleaded.
We need you.
"I promise you baby.. being in here has really changed my perspective about things.. I have to go Janet."
"We love you, Pookie." Janet's voice broke.
She held in a cry as a tear rolled down her cheek.
"I love you more, Square. I think about you every day. Wait..what do you mean we?"
Janet let out a loud sob. The door bell rang as she softly cried. Puffy jumped up and barked at the door. She quickly wiped her face and opened the door.
When she opened the door her niece and nephew ran to her. "Tete!!!"
"Hi babies!" She hugged them then kissed their cheeks. Puffy barked happily.
She stood up. "Hi, Mimi. Where's Chris and Ri Ri?" She hugged her sister in law tightly.
"Hi Janet. Chris is in Minnesota with Prince and Ariah is with my mom. So what's up?"
"You might wanna sit down.."
They sat on the couch. "While I was in Berlin, I found out my period is late. I assumed the stress of touring was taking a toll on me, but here I am, a month later. Still no period. So I'm going to take a pregnancy test,"
She grabbed Mariah's hands. "I can't do this alone, Mimi.." a tear streamed down Janet's face.
"Don't cry, J. I'm right here." Mariah wiped the tear from her face. "I have a question though."
"Whose baby is it?"
"It's Tupac's baby, stupid!" Janet answered aggravated tone and softly shoved Mariah.
"He's in jail, stupid! So I wasn't sure if you were getting some European dick or something.."
"Mariah! I would never cheat on him."
She smirked, "Besides I only like his dick, thank you very much."
"Whatever. Let's just go take this test, Ms. Jackson."
"Camilla, Jayden, stay down here and play. Okay?"
"Yes mommy." They said in unison.
Janet and Mariah headed upstairs to Janet's bathroom.
"I'll be right back." Janet closed the bathroom door.
She thought back to when she was pregnant in 1992. It was a bittersweet when she found out she was pregnant. Rene didn't even want the baby, but Janet did. The first person she told was Michael.

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