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September 16, 1995
Janet's due date was today but, it was almost five in the afternoon and she hadn't felt not one contraction. Tupac and Afeni were making sure she was comfortable. They were down on the porch, having a little talk.

"How are you feeling? He's gonna be here soon."
"I'm really excited to finally meet the little boy I've been talking to. I wonder if he's gonna look like me. I love him so much already, Mama."
"And he loves you, son."
"Do you think I'll be a good father?"

Mariah was over visiting like she had been every day for the past week. She sat on the bed next to Janet as they watched television.

"How are you feeling?" Mariah asked, rubbing her stomach.
"I'm okay. I felt him moving around a lot earlier, so I think he's getting ready, but I don't think he's coming today."
"My godson is taking his sweet time. Isn't that right, Elijah?"
"I'm just so ready to meet him." Janet rubbed her swollen stomach.
"Me too. Get ready for those sleepless nights."

Janet laughed and was about to reply to Mariah until she felt some pressure on her bladder.
"Can you help me up? I have to pee."
"Yes." Mariah pulled Janet out of bed and helped her to the bathroom.
"Thank you."

As Janet washed her hands she felt like she still had to pee for some strange reason. She was feeling more pressure that usual.

Wait a damn minute.

"Mariah I have a question." Janet said nervously.
"What's up girl?"
"Is it normal to feel like you have to pee still afterwards?"
Mariah froze.
"Janet.. don't freak out but your water is probably about to br—"
Just then, a big splash of water wet Janet's feet.
"Oh my God!" Mariah yelped.
"Go get Tupac and his mom please." Janet spoke calmly, mentally preparing herself for the birth of her son. She was ecstatic, yet terrified.

"Okay, baby, I guess you're finally ready."
Mariah rushed down the stairs to the front porch where Afeni and Tupac sat.
"Guys, Janet's water just broke!" Mariah, panted out of breath.
"Oh shit!" Tupac said.
As the rushed up the stairs, they heard groans from Janet. 
"Janet, are you in the bathroom?" Mariah asked.
"Yes. I feel like I have to use the bathroom."
"Stop!! That's a contraction." Mariah rushed into the bathroom.
"Come on."
Mariah tried to carry Janet into the bedroom and laid her on the floor. She positioned herself behind her to hold her up. Janet was gripping Mariah's hand so tightly, her knuckles had turned white.

"Let's see how dilated she is." Afeni said.
"I'll do it." Tupac said and pulled down her shorts and underwear.
"I can see his head..". He said before passing out.
"Baby!" Janet screamed.
"Janet..this baby is coming now. You must have been in labor all day. We don't have time to go to the hospital." Afeni said calmly.
Janet nodded as she started to cry.
"I need you to be calm.. I'm going to get some towels and I'll be right back."
"Mariah," Janet cried. "This hurts."
"I know, I know."
"Please call Dr. James and tell her I'm going into labor."
Mariah reached into Janet's purse and quickly dialed the number.
"Hello? Doctor James? This is Janet's sister in law, she's going into labor right now."
As Mariah rambled on the phone with Doctor James, Tupac woke up and rushed to Janet's side.
"Baby, I can't do this.." She cried.
He wiped her tear and kissed her cheek, "Yes you can. You're one of the strongest women I know."

Afeni came back into the room with towels to place
underneath Janet.

I can do this, my body was made for this.

"Baby, do you think you can squat so I can put these towels around you?"
"Yes ma'am." Tupac held her up as his mother quickly placed the towels on the floor.
"Baby, don't lay be back down. Just let me squat, but stay behind me."
She let her body guide her. She cleared her mind and took a deep breath.
"Okay." He said, placing her hands on her back.
"Okay, Doctor James is on the way, but she said we'll probably have to deliver the baby. So we need a pair of scissors and we already got the towels."
Afeni went into their bathroom and grabbed a pair of scissors.
As Mariah said that Janet felt a strong contraction and placed her hands underneath her.
"Ugh!" Janet screamed as she pushed. Still no baby, but she felt his head.
Mariah looked underneath her, "I can see his hair! Come on keep going!"
"You got this, baby." Tupac kissed her forehead.
She silently prayed to God because she knew he was coming.
A really strong contraction caused Janet to push one final time. "Ah!" She screamed as she felt her son fall into her hands.
"Oh my God." Tupac said softly. Janet brought him closer to her chest as Elijah let out a loud cry.
"Hi, Elijah.." Janet said softly and sniffled. "I'm your mommy."
"He's beautiful." Mariah said as she wiped a tear away.
Janet laid Elijah on her chest for a little skin to skin contact.
"He does look like me." Tupac said to himself.
"Hi're so tiny." Janet said to Elijah as he yawned. He latched onto her left breast.
"My baby was hungry."
"I think Dr. James is here. I'm gonna go to the door." Afeni said and walked to the front door.
"Baby, I am so so proud of you." Tupac said in admiration.
"It was all worth it, seeing his beautiful face. I never knew I could love someone this much." Her voice cracked. She watched Elijah nurse in amazement. She finally met her baby.
"Thank you, sweetheart. Thank you for giving me a child. I love you so much." He kissed her.
"I'm so blessed to have both of you." Janet said as she held her son close.
Dr. James walked into their bedroom.
"Hello, Mommy." She smiled.
"Hi, Dr. James." Janet said as she smiled at her son.
"Hi, Janet. How are you feeling right now?"
"I'm tired but I'm so happy."
"I'm gonna have to weigh Elijah and clean him up. Dad, you ready to cut the cord?"
"Yes." She handed him the scissors and he cut the cord.
"Is he done nursing?"
"Yes, just about. Here." Janet handed Elijah to Dr. James.
After she cleaned him up, weighed him and took prints of his hands and feet, Dr. James wrapped Elijah up in a blanket and put a blue hat on his head.

"Here you go, Janet. You didn't tear so you won't need stitches. No sex for six weeks." She handed him carefully back to her.
"Dr. James would you take a picture of us please?" Tupac asked.
"Sure." He handed her the camera.

They got so distracted by Elijah cooing, they forgot all about the camera. She took the picture anyways.

"Thank you."
"So what's his name?" Dr. James asked
"Elijah Amaru Shakur."
"Were any of you all paying attention to the time when he was born?"
"I was. It was 5:19." Mariah said.
Janet delivered the placenta and Dr. James went on her way.
"I think he fell asleep. You can hold him baby." Janet gave Elijah to Tupac.
"Hey lil man. It's your daddy. You're so tiny."
"Mama, can you run me some bath water?" Janet asked.
She was shaking really bad and felt exhausted. Afeni and Mariah helped her into the bathroom.

"Why am I shaking?"
"It's normal. Your body is tired. Just relax, Princess."

Meanwhile Tupac was holding Elijah, in awe of him. He walked over to the phone and dialed a number.
"Aye Treach, come meet your godson."
"He's here already? I'm on the way."

Afterwards, he called Michael letting him know the good news, then his father.
"Hey, um it's Tupac. He's here. I just wanted to let you know because I know you want to see him."
"Yes, I would love to. I'm on the way."

Janet finally got out of the bathtub, with the help
of Mariah and Afeni. They helped her put some fresh clothes.
"I feel so much better. Now, let's go see my baby."

Afeni and Mariah walked into the living room to give them a moment alone.

She walked over to her bed where Tupac sat, talking to their son.  She laid her head on his shoulder and sighed.
"Can you believe we're parents now?" He said.
"No, it's all so surreal."

They sat comfortably in silence for a moment.
"I called Treach, Michael and my dad. They're coming over. I hope that's okay with you. If you're too tired they can come another day."

"No, no I don't mind. I'll let you know when I start getting tired."
"You sure?"
"Yes baby."

Mariah and Afeni walked back into their room, excited to hold the newborn.
"Can I hold him?" Afeni asked.
"Of course." Janet carefully handed him off.

The rest of the day was spent with family adoring the new baby and everyone admiring Janet for giving birth naturally. Janet kept her promise to Brandi and let her be the first cousin to hold Elijah.

The very last person to hold Elijah was Tupac's father Billy.

He had his guard around his father since he met, scared to let him get too close, in fear of getting heart broken once again.

That all changed when he saw just how much he loved his grandson. How excited he was to be there.

"Hey Dad, I just wanted to tell you, you're welcome to come see Elijah anytime you want to."

Billy just smiled. He was shocked to hear Tupac say this, but it meant a lot to him.

"Thank you."

After everyone left, Tupac got Janet settled into bed comfortably and insisted on putting Elijah in his crib.
Once he drifted off the slept, he placed him carefully in his crib.

He stared down at his son, revering in the love he had felt all day. He felt inspired by everything that transpired that day and began to write.

Tupac wrote a poem to his son, which he would show him someday, and wrote a poem to Janet.

And when he was done, he got into bed with Janet and wrapped his arms around her, drifting off into sleep.

Janet smiled in her sleep, thanking God for this moment.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I'm going to try to be more consistent with my updates and forgive me for not updating in so long. I'm juggling school work, starting a podcast and just life in general so it's been tough. Peace and be wild ✌🏽

- Kelcey

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