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October 1, 1995

Elijah was only few weeks old, but Janet and Tupac had easily adjusted to parenthood. They took turns feeding him and changing him, but Tupac insisted upon wearing Elijah in his baby carrier any chance he could.

Tupac loved being a dad already and that made Janet happy. Especially since he worried about being a bad father.

Janet was currently sitting in bed with Elijah in her arms. She admired how beautiful he was while he slept.

"Mommy is so lucky to have you. I promise that, I'll be here for you as long as I live. I can't wait until you start talking, I can't wait for the conversations we'll have."

Suddenly the doorbell rang downstairs. Janet wasn't expecting any guests but she figured it was probably just Mariah.

"Baby," Tupac knocked on the door.
"Hmm?" She looked up.
"You have some visitors!" He smiled.

He moved aside and to Janet's surprise, Tina, Shawnette, Jossie, Nikki, and Tish entered the room. They all greeted Janet with hugs and kisses before sitting on her bed.

"What are you guys doing here?" Janet asked excitedly.
"Pac called us and told us our nephew had been born so of course we had to come visit the new parents." Tish said.

"I'm so glad to see you guys." Janet grinned.
"So, what's his name, Jay?" Tina asked.
"Elijah Amaru Shakur."
"Can we hold him?" Nikki asked.
"Of course, of course."

Janet handed Elijah over carefully to Nikki.
"Oh," Jossie gasped. "He's so beautiful, Jan."
"We're so happy for you, Jay. We know how bad you wanted this."
"I swear, on my life I never knew I could love someone this much." Janet said, her voice trembling a bit.
"That's so sweet." Tina said.

They all admired Elijah in silence for a moment before Tish spoke.
"We all brought him something."
"Oh you guys didn't have to."
"No, no we wanted to. We love him too, Janet. This is the happiest we've seen you aside from the day you married Tupac. You're gonna best the mother in the world. I just know it."

"You guys are the best friends a girl could ask for." Janet smiled.

The girls spent the next few hours helping Janet with stuff around the house and attending to Elijah when needed. Janet was really grateful for all of them.

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