Twenty One

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February 28, 1996

Today was The Grammy's, which meant it was Tupac's time to shine. Janet would accompany him as his date. They wouldn't bring Elijah this time, he would stay with Michael at Neverland, where he would be well protected.

Janet wouldn't admit it, but she was still scared that Rene would somehow get her while she was with him. She wouldn't be able to live with herself if he hurt her baby. She felt like she was unable to protect him.

Tupac went ahead and put a restraining order on Rene for all three of them. All of Janet's siblings along with her and Tupac's parents also put a restraining order on Rene. It gave them all a little bit of relief, but they were still scared regardless.

Janet could feel that her husband was more angry than scared. She feared he was angry at her, but that couldn't farther from the truth. He was so understanding and patient with her.

Tupac could feel his wife's uneasiness and anxiety. When they made love, when they kissed, when they slept. He didn't quite know how to help her aside from the things he was already doing.

Not to mention, she wouldn't let Elijah out of her sight accept if he was with Michael, Mariah or any of his grandparents. She'd moved his crib into their bedroom, but it was no use. He slept in her arms every night.

That is, when she actually slept. Most nights she slept in increments of two or three hours.

Sometimes Tupac would wake up in the middle of the night to find Elijah next to him where Janet should be. She would always be in the bathroom, sitting in the floor. Crying.

"I've gotta do something to fix this." He thought.

God knows how crazy Rene is. Knowing him, we might be at the Grammy's somewhere lurking in the shadows where no one would notice him.

That's why it was best Elijah stayed where they knew no one would harm him. After all, her brother was the Michael Jackson. If anyone was well protected, it was him.

Mariah would be performing One Sweet Day with Boyz II Men, which Janet was excited to see. Janet was also hoping her song Runaway would earn her another Grammy. If Runaway didn't win, hopefully Scream would.

Her, Tupac and Mariah would ride to the Grammy's together.
"So if Scream wins, do you want to go up and accept the award or do you want me to do it?"
"Actually I think we should both do it. You there on behalf of Michael and me well, for me."
"Okay, that works."
"Pac, are you nervous? You're presenting with KISS. That's a big deal."
"Nah, I'm not nervous. I got it."

"Jay, you look absolutely gorgeous." Mariah said.

Janet was wearing a strappy black dress that had a slit on the right with a plunging neckline that showed off her cleavage. Her short hair was curled and pulled up out of her face.

She wore the locket that Tupac gave her along with some gold dangling earrings that adorned her ears.
Her makeup was light with a hint of purple eyeshadow to add some color and some sheer pink lip gloss.

"Thank you." Janet smiled. "So do you."


Janet and Michael ended up winning a Grammy for Scream, which was great, but Janet really wanted to win a Grammy for Runaway since the song was so near and dear to her heart.

It was okay. The fact that the song was even nominated for a Grammy was an honor itself.

Now, the trio were headed back to Janet and Tupac's house where Michael would meet them to celebrate. Mariah was upset because Daydream didn't win any awards. She had worked so hard on that album, so it hurt that she didn't win at least one Grammy.

Why invite her just to humiliate her?

Nonetheless, she was happy Janet and Michael earned one of course.

Once they got back, Mariah called Michael then sat down on Janet's bed. Tupac was downstairs in the living room while his wife was taking off her makeup upstairs.

"Mimi, are you alright?" Janet said. She noticed Mariah was deep in thought with a sad expression on her face.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm okay."
"Promise?" Janet grabbed her hand.
"I promise." Mariah gave Janet a small smile and squeezed her hand.

Janet knew she wasn't okay but she left it alone for the moment. She headed into her bathroom, continuing to change into some regular clothes. Transforming back into Janet, the wife, mother and sister.

She walked back out into her bedroom. Mariah let out a sigh which meant she was about to talk.

"I'm pissed that they snubbed me. I mean why have all these nominations but not win one award? Why even invite me?" Frustration was written all over Mariah's face.

Janet sat next to her and rubbed her back. "Mimi, I couldn't even tell you the answer to that, but I do know you worked your ass off recording this album. Even though the Grammy's didn't acknowledge that, you should still be proud of yourself."

Mariah gave her sister in law a small smile.
"You always know the right thing to say. I don't know how I got so lucky to have such a loving and accepting family that I found in you guys."

"You know I love you, you're my best friend and sister. Now," Janet stood up.
"Michael's on the way to pick you up, right?"

Mariah followed suite and stood up as well.
"Yes. If you just wanted alone time with Pac, I can definitely take a walk or go in the backyard or something."

"No no, I just miss my baby that's all. And don't you miss your babies?"
"Of course I do, but I like to let the kids bond with their dad. It's so important to me that they do. I love being their mom, but Michael's just as vital as I am in their lives. It's important to me that they have their own relationship with him."

Janet nodded her head.
"Let's go back in the living room."

Mariah and Janet walked side by side back into the living room where Michael sat next to Tupac with Elijah in his arms.

"Hi, baby! Did you miss mama?" Janet said, scooping Elijah up. She kissed his cheeks, she missed her baby.
"How was he? I hope he wasn't too much trouble." Janet chided.

Michael just laughed. "He reminds me a lot of you as a baby. He was fine. The kids were playing with him. Ariah thinks he's her baby. Camilla too."

The thought of her one year old niece, Ariah holding Elijah tickled her since she was still a baby herself.

"Ri Ri is a sweetheart, she's naturally nurturing. She's always talking about Elijah." Mariah cut in.
"Speaking of our little tribe, where are they?"

Michael spoke again, "They're with mother. Jayden was a little anxious about me leaving them, but Cami calmed him down."

"Always taking care of her brother, my baby. They kind of remind me of you and Janet." Mariah laughed.

To everyone's surprise, Elijah let out a loud yawn.
"Someone's tired. You want G-Ma to put you to bed?" Mariah stuck her arms out for Elijah and Janet gently placed him in her arms.

Mariah went upstairs to Elijah's nursery while Janet and Michael continued their conversation.
"Camilla and Ariah were almost fighting over taking turns to feed Elijah or even just to hold him."

"So why did you leave them at Mother's house? I wanted to see my babies." Janet frowned.
"They have school tomorrow and I didn't want them staying up past their bedtime. If you're not busy come to Neverland on Friday and spend the day with them."

"I think that can be arranged." Janet said.
"Okay, baby, let's go get our kids." Mariah said, coming back downstairs.

And with that, they left and Janet and Tupac went to bed.


Just a little something for you guys, while I work on the next chapter. Vote and comment. Peace and be wild ✌🏽


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