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July 10, 1995
Janet was now 30 weeks. Tupac and Janet were on the way to an appointment for the baby and he was very excited to hear his son's heartbeat and get to experience everything firsthand.

"Can you believe we're gonna be parents in ten weeks?" Janet glanced over at Tupac as he drove.
"It still hasn't hit me yet. It probably will when I hear his heartbeat. I'm glad I'm getting to experience this.." Tupac said as he thought back in the moment he went to Prison.
The last night he spent at home with Janet she held it together until it finally hit her that he was actually going to jail.

"Baby...we were supposed to get married soon.." Janet cried.
"Sweetheart, I know. I'm trying to do the best thing so I can get out earlier.." He hugged her tightly.
"It's not fair, you're innocent. Baby please don't leave.." She held onto him as she cried.
"Just promise me one thing," Tupac lifted her head up so she was looking into his eyes.
"Anything, baby."
"Just promise me you're not gonna give up on me." He stared into her eyes intently.
"Of course I'll never give up on you.."
"And I promise you, that when I'm out we can get married. Everything will be alright."

Janet rubbed her stomach as she looked out of the window.
"Janet, I've been thinking.." He turned into the parking lot.
"About what love?" Janet said as she reached for her purse. Tupac parked the car before continuing.
He grabbed her hands.  "I want us to get married before Elijah is born."
"Me too, baby...we should do it this saturday! It doesn't have to be big. We can just invite everyone we want to be there."
"Sounds like a plan. Now, let's go see how our baby boy is doing." He said before exiting the car and walking over to Janet's side.
He helped her get out and then walked inside the office.
After signing in, Janet was called back to see Dr. James.
"Hi, Janet." Dr. James hugged Janet. "Hi." She smiled at her.
"And who is this that you've brought?" Dr. James said before closing the door.
"Dr. James, this is my fiancé, Tupac."
"Hi." He said nervously and shook her hand.
"It's so nice to meet you, Tupac. Janet has told me so much about you. She loves you very much." Dr. James smiled.
"And I love her very much." He smiled at Janet as he helped her up onto the exam bed.
"Dad, are you excited to see your son?" Dr. James grabbed the doppler wand.
Tupac breathed out, "I am excited it just ain't hit me yet that I'm gonna be a father."
"Oh it definitely will in a minute." She said as she squeezed a tube of gel on Janet's stomach and began to move the wand around.
"How are you feeling, Janet?"
"I can't wait to meet him." Janet smiled as she looked at the monitor.
"And there he is.." Dr. James said as she concentrated on the monitor. Janet looked over at Tupac to see him silently studying the screen.
"His heartbeat is always so strong," Dr. James commented. "How are you feeling, Dad?"
He exhaled deeply, "I can't believe it.."
"Ooh look baby, he's sucking his thumb. How cute." Janet exclaimed.
It was hitting him all at once. He was going to be a father.
"Tupac, that's our baby.." Janet said with a tear rolling down her cheek.
"Square you better stop crying.." He laughed.
That's my baby boy, Tupac thought to himself.
"Well everything looks fine. He's doing great. I'll print out some pictures and then I'll see you guys next month on the..15th!" Dr. James wiped off Janet's stomach then printed out the pictures.
Once they were settled in the car Tupac spoke.

"Baby, I have this song I wrote while was in prison. I wrote it for Elijah and I want you to sing the hook. Johnny already has a beat for me and everything so I wanted to record it today."
"Okay, babe. We can do that." She smiled.
"You're a great father already, Baldie and Elijah hasn't even been born yet." She grabbed his right hand. "He's going to love you so much."
"Nah, he's gonna be a mama's boy, I can feel it." Tupac laughed.
"You say that now, but I promise you he's gonna be your shadow."
Janet turned on the radio to hear Waterfalls by TLC playing. "Ooh I love this song!"
She hummed along and rubbed her stomach, she felt Elijah move slightly. She missed the little things. She missed Tupac and her driving around. She especially missed their midnight visits to the beach.

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