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October 18, 1995
Janet was at home, currently talking on the phone with her sister in law, while Tupac was out with Treach. They were giving out food to the people in the community who didn't have enough to eat.

She wanted to go because she loved doing things like that, but she had to stay home with Elijah. Of course Janet trusted Tupac, but she didn't trust the trifling women that would often try to push up on him.

People in California seemed to forget that Janet was from Indiana. Growing up with six brothers, you learn early on how to fight. Hopefully she wouldn't have to show these L.A. hoes that Damita Jo don't play about her man.

She wasn't really worried though because Treach loved Janet like a sister and didn't tolerate anyone trying to push up on his best friend either.

"So Mimi what are we doing for the twins' third birthday?" Janet asked through the phone, rubbing Elijah's back while he slept on her chest.
"Honestly..I don't know girl. Camilla is currently obsessed with The Swan Princess but Jayden is really liking The Lion King right now. I'm currently figure out if we should have separate birthday parties. I know they're gonna want separate parties but I think we'll just have a little party with their little friends at Chuck E Cheese. Where's my God son?"
"Asleep on my chest. Can you believe he's a month old already? My baby is growing too quick. I want him to stay this little forever."
"I know but it's also great watching their personality come seemed like just yesterday you and Tupac were crying your eyes out when he was born.."
"Such a beautiful moment."
"I know your freak ass is mad you can't do the nasty though."
"Not right now, at least. I do miss it though. I'm not worried about sex. I'm just focused on Elijah. Sometimes I catch Tupac smiling at me when I'm holding him. It's the sweetest thing."
"He's really so in love with you Janet. I can see it from the way he looks at you."
"I'm so in love with him. He just takes my breath away, when he touches me. He's been so gentle and understanding. When he's talking to me sometimes I just watch his lips."
"Ooh, Janet. You're feening."
"I've never went this long without having sex with him."
"You haven't been doing anything else with him?"
"Nothing. We kiss and cuddle, but that's about it."
"You guys should go on a date."
"We can't right now. He's finishing up his album, but he said soon. I can't wait until we can sex again. He does this one move where—"
"Dunk, I'm gonna stop you right there. I do not wanna hear about you and Tupac's sexcapades."
"My bad, Mimi. I just want him to break my back." She whined.
"I know, girl. Hang in there or Elijah will have a sibling in nine months."
"Where are my babies at?"
"Chris is playing with his toys and Ariah is sleeping next to me. The twins are at preschool right now."
"I miss Ri Ri."
"She misses you and she really missed me when I went to New York."
"Oh yeah, how did it go?" Janet asked as she watched Elijah sleep peacefully.
"It went great, at least I think so."
"I can't wait to see it. Did I tell you Elijah loves your song 'Underneath the Stars'. He lights up when I play it. I play it to get him to sleep because I can't sing it."
"Janet, stop it. You can sing. You have a beautiful voice. I could never sing Again like you do."
"Thank you, Mariah. One day we should record something."
"I would love that. Miss Ariah is up! Ri Ri say hi to Auntie Janet."
"Hi." She giggled.
"Hi Ri Ri."
Ariah pointed to the door.
"Well Janet that's my cue. Let me go feed my baby."
"Bye Mariah. I love you."
"I love you more. Kiss Elijah for me."
"Will do. Bye!"


Just a little something something. Stay tuned for more.
- Kelc

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