Four (Part 1)

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November 19, 1993
Tupac had flown out to Quad Studios in New York to record. Janet was back home in L.A., missing her man. This was the first time they had really been apart since they started dating and they both missed each other dearly. Janet was just days away from starting her world tour.

"Hi honey." She said lovingly.
"Hi, Square. What are you up to?" He said.
"I'm just taking a break from rehearsal and writing some songs..I'm feeling very inspired.."
"Did I inspire you?" He asked.
"Of course..I'm always thinking about you." She smiled. "I wish I could've came out there with you.."
"Me too, baby. Aren't you excited for your tour?"
"Hell no! Don't get me wrong I love my fans and I enjoy meeting them but tour life is hell..especially since you won't be there with me."
"I promise I'll come to one of your shows."
"Well I have four shows in New York from December 17-23. And then I'll be home for Christmas.."
"I can't believe first Christmas with you. I miss you so much."
He smiled. "I miss you more. When I get back Imma show you how much Daddy missed you."
"Oh word?"
"And how are you gonna do that, Big Daddy?" She purred, biting her bottom lip.
"You know how, baby.."
"No I don't. Tell me." She said coyly.
"The scratches on my back say otherwise, Janet."
"Oh! Now I remember how those scratches got were hitting my spot and I couldn't take it.." Janet said softly, hearing Tupac's heavy breathing through the receiver.
"What else was I doing, baby?" He spoke lowly.
"You had me screaming your name and I was c—"
"Ewww! Janet come on girl! Get off the phone with your man."
"Tish!" Janet giggled. "Baby, I have to go..I love you."
"I love you more, Square. Be good."
"I'm always good. You be good, Tupac Amaru."
She blew a kiss through the phone before hanging up.

Damn, she got me sprung.

He thought of Janet and became aroused. He wished he could kiss her soft skin and feel her body against his. He unbuckled his pants and became to stroke himself. Visions of his and Janet's sexcapades danced around his head.

The way her lips look wrapped around my—

Then there was a knock at the door.
He quickly fixed his pants and opened the door. He rolled his eyes seeing who it was.
"Oh girl get the fuck out of here." He tried to shut the door. It was Ayanna, a girl his homies were messing around with, but she didn't want them. She wanted Tupac. A few days ago he was in the club with his friends and she tried to come on to him, but he denied her advances. He only wanted Janet and nobody else. He wasn't gonna let anybody ruin that.

"I seen the way you was looking at me. I know you want me." Ayanna licked her lips and placed her hand on his chest.
"Um," He pushed her hand off his chest. "I don't know what delusional ass fantasy you have, but I don't want you, Ayanna. I have a girlfriend."

"She don't gotta know."

"Ain't nothing finna happen for her to not know. I don't want you, now have a good day and get the hell out of my face." He slammed the door shut and locked it.
"You're really gonna regret that!" She yelled through the door. "Watch your fucking back, Tupac!"
"Yeah, yeah whatever! Please leave from in front of my door." He spoke through his door before sitting down on his bed.
"Janet's gonna leave your ass when she hears about this!"
The Next Day
Janet was at home in the backyard playing with her dog, Puffy. She sat in the grass watching Puffy run around.
Puffy was her best friend and confidant and she knew someday she wouldn't be here, so she wanted to spend as much time with her as she possibly could. Janet stood up to go in the house.

"You coming inside girl?" She said to Puffy.

Puffy ignored her and continued to roll around in the yard. Janet laughed at her and went inside. She grabbed a bottle of water and sat on the couch, turning on the news.

Breaking News: West coast rapper, Tupac Shakur, has been accused of rape.

Janet spit out her water.
"Um what the hell?"

19 year old, Ayanna Jackson claims that she gave Shakur consensual oral sex in his hotel room days prior to the incident.

Janet is could feel her blood pressure rising.
"The audacity of this bitch! Accusing him of something he would never do!"
The phone rang, startling Janet.
"Janet, are you okay?" Mariah spoke.
"No.. I can't believe something like this happened to him." She said gritting her teeth.
"We both know he's innocent. They did the same shit to Michael."
"I have to go see him."
"Look, go to him. He needs you right now. I will check on Puffy for however long you need me to."
"Thank you Mariah. I love you."
"I love you more, Jay. Tell Tupac we love him and we know the truth."
Tupac was in his hotel room losing his damn mind. He couldn't believe that girl would lie on him like that. Every time she came around, Tupac didn't even want be around their shenanigans. He would leave and go to his hotel room.
"I can't believe this shit, Rich!" Tupac punched the wall.
"Man, calm down, we know that bitch lied."
"You don't get it dog! Janet probably believe that bullshit! Now this bitch done ruined my relationship!"
"Pac, I promise you Janet didn't believe any of that. She knows you, man."

Tupac sat down on his bed and put his head in hands. Rich had never in his life seen Tupac break down the way he was in that moment. Man, Janet hates me. She probably thinks I cheated on her.
What he didn't know was, Janet was on a flight to New York so she could be there for her man.
She knew as a black man in America, the justice system was against him. He needed all the support he could get right now.
Ring Ring.
"Baby," Janet spoke in a distressed tone. "I'm coming. I got on the plane as quick as I could."
"You don't believe what they said on the news?"
"Lesane, of course not. I know you, baby. You would never do something like that."
"I really didn't, Janet. I ain't even let her come in my room."
"I know, baby. Just hold on I'm coming.."
After Janet finally arrived in New York she rushed as quickly as she could to his hotel room.
"Baby.." She knocked on the door.
Once he opened the door, he kissed her before pulling her into a tight hug.
He cried into her shoulder, letting all his hurt and frustration go. She rubbed his back and whispered reassurances into his ear.
When he pulled back, Janet could see the hurt in his brown eyes. She kissed his forehead before leading him over to the bed.
"Come lay with me."
He cuddled up to her, laying his head on her chest.
"I hope you know how much I love you, Janet." He said lowly.
"I do know, Pookie." She rubbed his head.
She started to hum 'You Bring Me Joy'. She knew it would calm his nerves. At a family dinner with his side of the family they had danced to that song.
Tupac was ready to make Janet his wife.

She was always there no matter what was going on in her life and he was truly grateful and blessed to have such an amazing woman like her in his life.
As he listened to her beautiful voice he drifted off to sleep and for one moment, every thing was alright.

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