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Aamon x reader
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In the Swan Castle where Princess Odette lives, she visited a best friend of hers. With confusion and a heavy chest, she entered the castle and being led to Princess Odette.

"Y/n! It's nice to meet you again," Odette greeted with a smile as she led me inside the castle. "What brings you here?"

I remained silent for a moment as she stood quietly for my reply. "I have this unexplainable feeling," I sighed. As she guided me to her room, I couldn't remember when was the last time as saw her room. We used to have sleepovers in her castle when we were little. Every inch of the castle has its memories which I witnessed.

She opened the door, revealing her neatly arranged bedroom. Some changes were made, like the glass shelf on the corner, filled with pictures and objects those are special memories for her in her life.

"Let me guess, is it about the duke of Paxley?" She grinned and guessed without a warning. I snapped my head at her in surprise, pulling away my eyes from her pictures. "You know it, he invited me to meet him in the castle tonight," I replied.

"That's wonderful! It is so sweet of him," Odette remarked. "I see that you two are getting attached to one another. I bet the duke has gave you signs," she chuckled.

"That's the problem, Im not sure of those signs he showed. Im afraid..." I stpped then sighed again, being unable to express how I felt into words.

"Don't be ignorant on your own feelings and be sure of it, Y/n," she warned. "I was such an innocent back then just like you."

"Take my advice Y/n, accept his invitation and go for it," she held my shoulder assuringly. I replied with a nod in agreement.

The thought of that we just knew each other for a few months was surprising. Have I known him for three months or three years? I can't believe that I am in this situation right now, everything feels surreal. We sit next to each other under the moonlight, on the balcony where he usually spends time at. Gazing into the dark night sky with twinkling stars.

The silent atmosphere is killing me, the awkwardness is nearly unbearable. But it didn't keep me away from stealing glances on him. His side profile is flawlessly unreal, his sparkly blue eyes under the night sky. I was mesmerized until he caught me staring at me. Instead of looking away, our eyes remained as we look deeply into each other.

We remained silent as his eyes were still bored on mine. His cold visage has changed, a small smile formed on his lips. It is extremely rare to see him smile as I thought he has a cold heart and emotionless, yet deep inside I know that he has a warm spot like his brother, Gusion.

I smiled as response as I couldn't help it, seeing him acting this way. He is insanely cute that way.

He avert his gaze into the night sky, still with that smile plastered on his face. I could feel the atmosphere changing, the awkwardness slowly fading away because of the smile of his.

No words were exchanged at all, but this moment is very meaningful. It's like there has been a long conversation going on, in which there were just stolen glances at each other and smiling. With that, I feel more sure of myself. That feeling inside me felt like a flower that just bloomed.

I smiled at myself, then mentally scolded myself on how crazy I am smiling at myself. What if he is watching me?

I could feel the awkwardness in the atmosphere again, just within seconds. I started making decisions in my head to escape from this awkwardness which I can't bear with anymore. It took for some time until I managed and decided to do what I planned.

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