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Granger x reader

"Happy birthday my past love ♡"

warning! A little angst here :,


The morning sun shines brightly, thankfully it didn't rain like the other days. The sky is filled with white puffy clouds, the yellowish sun illuminating between the tall buildings as I arrived at school. Everything is just like the ordinary, nothing is different until I laid my hands onto the door handle, pushing it open and revealing my classroom. The glimpse of a few people gathering at one table and Natalia sitting alone with her eyes occupied on her phone, all of the early birds seemingly arrived first as usual.

Today is just like the other days, I mentally noted myself not to expect much. Today is supposed to be a special day, a celebration every year that happens in different times for every person. Colourful balloons, beautiful decorated cakes with lit up candles, hanging banners, and cheerful songs, thats what people expect on birthdays. In fact, that is extremely rare for me. I don't even remember when was the last time I celebrated my birthday.

I guess it is what it is. However, the first step I took into the classroom, the boys who were gathering behind the classroom turned all their heads at me. They abandoned their chess board on the table as they approached me. They took a few glances at each other before one of them — Zilong spoke, "Happy birthday!"

It took a moment for me to comprehend, until I responded a genuine 'thank you' to him as the others followed. I seat myself on my chair, placing my bag on the ground. I pulled out my pencil case and the door opened, revealing more of my classmates arriving to the classroom. They showered me with wishes and greetings which I never received before, especially in this amount.

The door opened again, as my best friend and my class teacher entered the classroom. They both greeted me with a wish as I thanked them again, not knowing on how else to reply to them. Fanny handed me a small box of macarons, "A gift for my bestie," she smiled as I stared at the gift for a moment when I held it. "How did you remember?" I questioned in disbelief. "Of course I remembered, its all in my head," she playfully remarked.

I had never felt so noticed by the people around me. Even my teacher wished me a happy birthday, and nearly everyone in my classroom did as well. Today is not so bad after all, not as the other ordinary days and I have never felt so happy just by these small things. It is all enough to make me happy for the rest of the week.

"Thank goodness its almost break time," Layla sighed in relief as we headed back to class, after having a small talk in the restroom. It has been a routine for some people to visit the restroom during lessons and we would talk to our friends who came by as well.

Layla followed me by my side, and stood silently when I attempted to push the classroom's door open. However, the door slowly opened by itself which made me flinch in surprise. The lights are off as I couldn't see anyone inside. I could feel the slight panic rushing through my veins. Before I could even think of a possible situation, Fanny jumped out from the back of the door as well as everyone else, who were hiding behind the chairs and the tables. I gasped in reflex, looking at Fanny with confusion.

Miya brought a cake with a few candles those were lit up, as everyone starts singing. I remained frozen on my spot as I didn't expect nor believe on what is happening. Everyone clapped their hands, I scanned every single of the familiar faces present in the room. All eyes were on me, Miya stood infront of me with the cake on her hands, "Blow the candles," she beamed as the lights turned on. Layla encouraged me by cheering my name out loud. I close my eyes to state my wish,

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