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Cecilion x reader

Is it too soon to do this yet?
Isn't delicate?


The sound of the bells ringing caused the students to stood off their seats, waiting impatiently as the teacher laid his hand on the door handle and his other hand carrying some books and a ruler. When he eventually made an exit from the classroom, everyone starts chatting and filling the room with noise. I head outside as soon as I arranged the books on my desk and grab the papers, escaping from the crowd.

The hallway is filled with students, but not too crowded and loud unlike the classroom previously. I walk straight through the people as some greet me when they recognized me, so I smile and give a small wave at the in return.

Guinevere — the best studying partner ever and a best friend of mine, she made a sudden approach which caused me to flinch, nearly slipping the papers from my hand. "Where are you going?" She playfully raised an eyebrow. "My locker," I briefly answered as we walked, giving her a chuckle.

"I'm hungry," she grumbled. We stopped infront of my locker, Guinevere watched me placing the stacks of papers carefully inside. "After a whole hour of non-stop lectures?" I laughed at her pouty expression. "I yawned atleast twice in every ten minutes," she crossed her arms, no sign of amusement on her face for sure. I close the locker gently, shaking my head in almost disbelief. "Even the smartest student gets bored, huh?"

"I just don't like the subject," she confessed. "You are not the only one," I remarked, tapping her shoulder lightly. "Let's get lunch then, its break time afterall," I suggested, watching her face lit up. She quickly nodded before pulling my hand lightly, dragging me towards the cafeteria.

A crowd of students are lining up ahead of us and leaving the queue with food trays on their hands. Guinevere and I joined the queue before grabbing some food of our choice for lunch, then left for an empty table nearby. She seated herself before taking a sip of her apple juice, eyeing me with enthusiasm which piqued my curiosity.

She placed the box of juice on her tray on the table before she speaks, "Remember our senior, Cecilion?" I spontaneously responded, "Of course I do, I see him in the basketball court often."

"Right! Let me tell you, he went to the library yesterday with his friend and they were whispering right next to me. It was about you," she chuckled, then taking a bite of her onigiri. "About me?" My eyebrows creased in wonder. "Yes!" She assured, "I wasn't sure but I think that he is interested in you."

"I doubt that," I shook my head in disbelief, taking a few bites of my food. "But didn't you see how he dared to steal glances of you during his basketball practices?" Guinevere giggled at my speechless reaction. "That.. um, I noticed," I looked down onto my food as I recalled.

A surge of silence surfaced for a minute before it is broken down by the start of a new topic from Guinevere. The conversation runs until the bells ring and the cafeteria cleared up. Everyone has seemingly left, filling the hallways and killing time as they talk in the way.

Guinevere head to class without delaying any further, leaving me in the restroom when I insisted her to go first. I let the faucet run its water on my hand as I quickly wash the coloured remains of highlighters on my skin. It has been an hour ago and washing it numerously has left to no avail.

I leave the restroom with a sigh, then surprised by the quiet hallways that was filled with a crowd of people a minute ago. Nevertheless, I reach the classroom with hope that the teacher isn't present yet.

As I stopped infront of the door, I fall onto the ground due to the impact from my head. "Y/n! I'm sorry," Cecilion who was on the ground started collecting his belongings those fell and scattered on the ground. "Hey its okay," I looked at him with my mouth gaped for a second before I manage to help him by picking up his things from the ground. His pencil case, pens, eraser, flowers, tiny packed sweets, and paper clips all picked up.

I place them into his pencil case except the flowers, handing them to him afterwards. "Thank you," he smiled and take the pencil case from my hands. "Anytime," I responded. "Um how about these?" I handed the flowers I hold but he resisted. "Oh ya," Cecilion rummaged through the pencil case and placed a packed sweet on my hand. I stood infront of him and grew flustered. "Im sorry, your teacher must be waiting," he excused before leaving. "Cecilion! But-" I was silenced by him shaking his head as he walked further away, leaving me dumbfounded with the flowers and the sweet on my hand.

I take a peek on the window on the door and no sign of any teacher inside. In fact, my classmates seem to be still throwing paper airplanes all over the room. I watch Cecilion's silhouette from a distance in disbelief before entering the classroom, hiding the flowers behind my back as I scurry towards my seat. Everyone is busy with themselves, thankfully. Yet, I rest my chin against my palm with the blood rushing through my cheeks and thinking of talking to Cecilion tomorrow or probably next time whenever I have the courage to.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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