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Granger x reader
!!Modern au!!

Slight lemon ahead + cursing



A 'very welcoming' voice encountered. I scoffed in disatisfaction as I stood up from my seat. The upbeat music blasted throughout the club, my heart beating simultaneously to the rhythm of the music. I cross my arms as my orbs judged her from head to toe, she does not seem bothered at the irritated expression on my face at all. Without sparing a glance, I purposely close the gap between her and I, brushed my shoulder against hers. I grimaced at her seductive scent that struck my nostrils. From the corner of my eye, I watch her stagger due to the impact.

That woman was never satisfied on bothering me, although she seem amused. Therefore, I prefer on confronting rather than avoiding her. Selena is her name, whom had annoyed me ever since I came into this place. Such a coincidence that I had encountered her again. I wish to not see her again due to the worst impression she showed in our first meet.

Selena has always been such a bitch. That smug on her face when she laid her hands on a man in the dancefloor, as if she had won a medal prize. I had the urge to beat that look out from her face. However, it is such a waste of time for me. I pity her instead, she has no life. haha.

I approached the bar, settling down on an empty seat between two men that seem to enjoy their liquor. The scent of alcohol alerted me as I anticipated on the strangers around me, although some are familiar to me. The bartender was acknowledged by my presence. Hence, he approach me as he slide his handkerchief onto his table. "Two shots of vodka please," I ordered before the bartender could said a word. "On it, ma'am," the bartender nodded.

As the clinging sounds of glass from the bar resonated throughout the area, I took a glance on a group of people nearby. They laughed with the smoke from their tobacco that still lit up. On the other side, I caught a glimpse of a couple making out. How arousing.

The bartender slid the glass onto the table towards me. I nodded at him before he left for the other customers. I hold the cup of liquor, being able to smell the strong scent of the liquor from the distance. I swallow the liquor, leaving the sharp bitterness liquid flavour down into my throat. Without the slightlest of frown on my face, I raise my hand to wipe the liquid that left over my lips.

Before doing so, a tall figure approached me. His attire describes it all, Granger move and snake his hands from behind then around my waist. He held his head close to my neck, whispered into my ear a pleasant greeting from him, "It is not often to see you here." I hummed nonchalantly in response, the smell of alcohol from his breath reach into my nose. I could feel myself shiver against his breath on my ear.

He stood up and release his hands away. A finger of his laid on my lips, wiping of the remaining liquor. "I should have lick them off," he remarked. His fingers traced my jawline and held my chin up, maintaining his intense gaze into my orbs. My breath hitched at the distance between us. My heart pounding inside my chest, not daring to move an inch.

Granger lowered himself, closing the gap between us. Our face is merely an inch from each other. "Let's head to the dance floor, shall we?" He reached his hand out. "Of course," I held his hand. He grasped onto my hand as he led me into the lively atmosphere, filled with colours illuminating throughout the area. The chatter and the loud music, as well as the people swaying their bodies to the rhythm.

He pulled me closer to him abruptly by my hand, causing me to curse inwardly. As I wrap my arms around his neck, his hands holding onto my waist then down to my hips. Our foreheads lay onto each other as I shut my eyes close, enjoying his warmth. I could feel the bulge underneath his pants, he has a surprising amount of self-control. He didn't dare to move my hips, merely holding onto it.

Eventually, he sunk his head into my neck. I slid my hands onto his chest, feeling his warm intoxicating breath stroking against my sensitive skin. An instinctive moan slide out from my lips. "Granger," I lowly called his name. "Hmm?" He hummed in response, the vibration of his voice struck my skin which caused me to shiver.

"I need to excuse myself." He lift his head up, unamusement written all on his face. "I will be back in awhile," I ensured. He nodded in response as he held my hand once again, giving a peck before releasing our hands as I walk further away from him.

My irregular breaths with perplexed thoughts in my head. I fasten my pace towards the restroom sign that caught my eye nearby, as if an achievement is awaiting for me there. The intoxicating atmosphere and the smell of alcohol has drive me insane. Additionally at Granger's unexpected encounter in his tipsy state, although I suspected his intentional actions earlier. Or he was fully unconscious on his actions?

I stood infront of the huge mirror, placing both hands infront of the sink while contemplating on my reflection. I cursed under my breath, realising how awkward if I see him around again. Not to mention, he is one of my companion as an employee. We have been encountering each other in clubs, totally unexpected, its been the third time for this one and in the worst situation.

As I exhaled, I took another glimpse on myself in the mirror before leaving the restroom. The mumbling music turned loud again as soon as I opened the door. My heart racing inside my chest, until I arrived in the dance floor. My eyes wander around the area for Granger and I caught him in my sight eventually.

My eyes squinted at the woman standing next to him, trying to identify her. I balled and clench onto my fist at the sight. Oh my my, look who is there. I approached with relaxed manner, displaying a smile on my face. Granger looked at me with a signal that seemed to be 'help me'.

Selena intentionally brushed her hand against his and moved closer towards him. She wasn't aware of my presence at first, afterwards she gave me a glance and has the audicity to roll her eyes at me and look away. She raised his hands onto his shoulder and gave him a seductive gaze.

I clenched my jaw as I forcefully pushed her hand away from his shoulder. A smirk plastered on his face, Granger nodded in satisfaction. "Sorry," I scoffed at Selena as I shot her a scornful look. Selena rolled her eyes again, then her eyes followed my hands snaking against his chest, wrapping my arms around his neck infront of her.

Granger chuckled in amusement. I traced my fingers along his delicate jawline, closing the gap between us. His hands against my waist, staring deeply into my eyes and completely ignoring Selena's existence.

I caught her glimpse from the corner of my eye, she huffed in annoyance and walked away in defeat. I burst into laughter as I held my face onto his chest. I was just getting started and she is pissed already, how pathetic.

"I love the way you gave her that look," he remarked. "Like how a person is angry when someone is touching what belongs to her."

He lift my chin up with his index finger, connecting our eyes together. "Guess what? Baby I'm yours," he whispered. "And you're mine."

"So sudden, are you still drunk?" I questioned him with a hint of unsure. "Do I look like I'm joking?" He raised his eyebrows at me, his tone became stern. My eyes slightly widen at his sudden change in expression. My heart is pounding inside my chest on his sharp gaze on me.

His hand caressed my cheek, causing me to lose the tension within me. His lingering scent became stronger as he leaned closer, eventually connecting our lips together. Although it was a brief kiss, it felt quite long enough to taste the intoxicating alcohol from his mouth. As if he could read my mind, he laughed, "Still in doubt whether I am sober or not?"

"You will find out next morning on how sincere I am to you."

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