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Xavier x reader
No warning!
Highschool students


The crowd of people throughout the hallways has been a routine for every dismissal time of the school. People leaving their classrooms with their bags, some reach to their lockers to grab some of their belongings, like me.

I rummaged through my bag for my maths notebook but I can't seem to find it. Then I searched into my locker, scanning every book inside over and over again. Repeating it again, however, it is nowhere to be seen.


Xavier approached with a few books wrapped in his left arm, along with his bag hung on his right shoulder. His voice made me dart my head towards him. His tall figure standing infront of me. But then I proceed my focus on the books.

"Please help me with these," he pointed out the books in his arm. His typical baritone voice and his cold blue orbs, expressionless visage, imprinted in my mind since the first time I laid my eyes on him.

I thought he was quite of an anti-social person as my first impression on him, but he is just a student who struggles in classes sometimes and the warmest person I have ever met. He cares for others, he would help them without thinking twice. Everyone appreciates him, especially the teachers who often thank him for him lending them a hand although they never asked for.

Xavier waited for a response as I continued on searching through the pile of neatly arranged books in the locker. He chuckled, "I think you might be looking for this." He hand out one of the book from his arm, which is the maths notebook I was looking for.

I smiled inwardly at his action. "How could you? I was searching for it," I huffed as I take the book away from his hand. He eyed me amusingly.

"Anyways, why did you took my book without my permission?" I questioned him as I flipped the pages to take a brief look on them. Until my eyes fixated on a page, Xavier's handwritings on my notes and arrows of explanation. He noticed at my disbelief look, "It seems that you will be needing more help from me than I need from you."

"Actually, I really do."

"On this particular topic in mathematics subject," I added.

"In that case, let's help each other. We have lots of homeworks due in the next two days and it is better to do it from now," he suggested. I stood in doubt for a moment, contemplating on how things would happen.

Oh gosh, it isn't the first time I help him in homework, even such school work, he has visited my house numerous times and my parents knows him. But staying up (probably) until night with him? I pity myself especially my heart, I might spend the whole hours of heart racing and holding back myself from fluttering and hiding my flushed cheeks.

It is not the same as before, when we used to talk and all I thought about was how such a good and interesting person he is and nothing more. However, it is different now, for me.

My feelings towards him that I have been hiding deeply inside my heart.

And I will never reveal it.

"I'll be visiting your house," he spoke which snapped me out from my thoughts. "When?" I questioned as I furrowed my eyebrows, giving him another disbelieved look.

"Right now, let's head there together."

He urged and I had no choice but to agree.

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