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Gusion x reader

Enemies to lovers

"Why do you care so much?"

"Oh, you never noticed. How naive!"


"My shift is over."

"How about the files?"

"I said my shift is over!" I snapped, causing my co-worker to flinch. "Let Gusion take care of them, they are his anyway." I close my eyes as I rub my fingers against my nose bridge. The footsteps of my co-worker slowly descended from my ears.

I just don't get it. Why do people give me so much work and still I have no appreciation or even a raise from my boss! Meanwhile Gusion, we both handle the company's sales management in the same position but still, he receives more praise from our boss and our team. I worked here earlier than him, I have more experiences within the company, I have more relations among the workers, yet nothing has gone better ever since he started working here. I mean, I could see the privilege he has due to his well-known father being a founder of the only business university existing in this town.

It is obvious that we divide our works equally, that is why I often fume at my co-workers whenever they dare to give me the work that Gusion should have done. I had an argument regarding this before, but his attitude never changed. This is the last straw I have for him, my patience is running thin. My boss neither the manager wouldn't care, I know they know what Gusion has been doing in the company all along.

I pull my hair claw off and let my hair down as I head towards the vacant lift. The arrow on the screen point downwards, I click the groundfloor button and watch the door closing infront of me. The narrow gap between the doors revealed Gusion rushing towards the lift, our eyes met in a split of second before I quickly click onto the close door button. I heard his sigh in defeat as soon as the doors shut completely.

I breathed out in relief, finally not seeing his face anymore for today. The lift reached the ground floor and the doors opened, I casually head through the lobby and return a goodbye to the workers I saw on my way. Finally taking the exit from the building, I reached for my parked car and started the engine swiftly.

My phone vibrated inside my bag, I searched for it and found the screen already on, showing a text notification from Lesley.

Let's have a drink tomorrow ;)

Why not today? Im free now.

Not a bad idea, but I might be a little late.

Ill wait for you then.

Thats okay for you?

Yep, don't worry girlie. I will be at the place we usually meet.

Well okay, have fun!

I place my phone onto the passenger seat next to me along with my bag before hitting the gas pedal and drive my way out from the building. The agitating thoughts of what happened earlier in my office resurfaced and I swear it gives me a migraine everytime it comes back. I feel bad for the people around me those received my harsh scolding, although its completely their fault in my opinion. The only person I don't feel sorry for is Gusion, he deserves every single bit of word and he will be sorry when karma takes action.

It wasn't a long trip, thankfully. The bar located just a few minutes away and its in the center of town, many people often come to drink at times like this. The sight of numerous cars parked has met my expectations, the place is filled with tons of people tonight. I brush off any dust from my tight knee length skirt and took off my coat.

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