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Zilong x reader

Modern au!

Will you be my new years kiss?


A pine tree coated with white snow surrounded the neighbourhood. The colourful lights decorated the houses as the joyous atmosphere added by the cheerful smiles of the people while they gathered with their friends and families. I strolled down the pathway as I watched the people enjoying their time - building snowmans, chatting, throwing a snowball fight, as well as making snow angels.

The blonde haired man caught my eye while he showed a victorious smile as he looked at his creation proudly - a silly-looking snowman with numerous branches on its head as its spiky hair. Alucard avert his attention to me as I walk pass by. "Hey Y/n!" He greeted as he waved his hand.

Miya stood next to him, she giggled at the snowman before waving her hand at me. "You're finally here Y/n!" She exclaimed as she approached me. "Was I late?" I questioned with a hint of jest. She chuckled, "Nope, but I was expecting you to arrive earlier."

"Hello Y/n! I didn't see you there," Harith peeked from another snowman infront of him. Alucard, Miya and I avert our attention towards him. He wasn't seen due to his height, the snowman is taller than him. Harith approached from a distance with joyful steps. "You are just in time to see my wonderful snowman," he said.

"She saw my snowman first," Alucard interjected. Harith crossed his arms as he frowned at him, "I bet my snowman is better than yours."

"You two should find another judge because she is coming with me," Miya held my arm and beckoned me to head inside. We left the two gawking in defeat as she led me inside the house, specifically it is Freya's house.

"There aren't as many guests as last year, people are busy this time," Miya said then she stopped in the huge living room. The christmas tree stood in the corner, where a pile of gifts lies there. "Do you bring the gift?" Miya asked. "I can't forget about that," I place the paper bag onto the ground, taking the wrapped gift box out from the paper bag.

The gift box wrapped with christmas tree patterned paper and a red ribbon on it. I approach the tree and carefully place the gift under it. Miya followed then she asked out of curiosity, "Who are you going to exchange gifts with?"

"Zilong," I replied. "How about you? Im guessing its Harith," I chuckled.

"Wrong, I got Karina's name. Tigreal did a wonderful job on scrambling up the names," she beamed. It has been our tradition every christmas — exchanging gifts based on tiny pieces of paper with our names on and randomly mixed up. It happens the night before christmas day, when we have dinner together. The eldest are usually chosen to scramble the papers, it was Yu zhong last year but he couldn't make it this year as he has a business running even during the holidays. I miss his company during his stay last year, he had to move a few months ago for his business, sadly.

The famous grumpy-face has arrived or known as Granger. If Wanwan is here, she would tease him as she much as she teased Ling. However, since Ling and Granger is present without her, they could rest from her constant remarks. Therefore, I miss her presence and I bet Ling does too. She never left his side back then as Baxia was their father figure, their relationship is more like a family — inseperatable but time goes on and we have our own lives going on.

"You got Zilong?" Her tone rises in excitement. "Can't wait to see you two under the mistletoe-" Miya seemed to be unaware of Granger's presence. She received a nudge that landed on her elbow as I narrowed my eyes on her. Her eyes widen in alert and greeted Granger as if nothing happened.

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