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Dyrroth x reader

I will believe you, have my trust and don't break it apart.


I scurried down through the pathway, with my arms crossed against my chest. I shut my eyes close for a second as I head further, calming myself down from the fuming anger within me. My heart was pounding loudly inside my chest, as if I just ran into marathon. I guess the breeze of the air managed to cool me down. Being surrounded the green leaves and the colourful flowers, the fresh scent of the mother nature is indeed a cure to anything.

I found myself being in a garden behind the castle. The branches of plants are blown towards the direction of the wind which is getting stronger and stronger. The sky above me has turned into a dark shade of grey. I wasn't concerned at all, thinking that the dark clouds might depart away to the other side of the empire. Apart from the weather, I feel better than before I arrived in this garden. I could feel the tension on my shoulders disappear, as well as the loud thumping heartbeat that vanished from my ears.

I sat on one of the vacant wooden chairs surrounding a wooden table. A tall large umbrella stood upon the table, shading me from the strong wind. I rest my chin against my palm, as I place my elbow on the table. I stare onto the swaying trees around the garden, watching the birds flying away to protect themselves from the upcoming rain.

The chair next to me was pulled, causing me to dart my head towards the direction. I saw Dyrroth seating himself onto the empty chair, purposely pulling himself closer to me. I let out a sigh as I avoided any eye contact, he clearly noticed the annoyance on my face.  "I'm sorry, Y/n," he cooed, as he leaned closer with both of his arms on the table. I turn my head to look at his remorseful visage. I couldn't help but to feel bad for him, despite the anger rising within me again ever since he approached me.

"I forgive you, but please don't leave me again," I stare onto the table as I draw circles with my fingers on it. He thoughtfully gaze at me for an awfully long time, simultaneously when the rain starts pouring. Fortunately, the umbrella covered us from the rain, I observe the stone pathway turning darker from the rainwater.

"Hold this for me," he shoved his hand towards me. I frowned for a second, "Your hand?" I look at him in disbelief. He nodded in response, with that heart warming smile of his. I hesitantly took his hand, intertwining our fingers together. His eyes are gleaming in amusement.

However, his eyes darkened in worry after thoughts starts running around his mind again. "Y/n," he called my name. My eyes directly meeting his, trying to read his mind through his gaze of worry. "Hmm? What is it?" I questioned, curiously awaiting for his reply. The grip of his fingers around mine tightened. He seemed greatly hesitant which added up to my concern, still he maintained our eye contact. With all of his courage, he speak, "I have to leave next morning from their orders to protect-"

I stood up from my seat, without sparing any words further. I release myself from his hand, walking into the pouring rain and through the pathway. My chest burning in all sorts of feelings at the moment. Dyrroth stood up immediately, causing the chair behind him to collapse onto the ground. He rushed towards me, without bothering his favourite coat being wet from the rain.

He grabbed my hand, stopping me from going any further. My eyes glistened, but its not because of the rain. I looked into his eyes, his damp hair cascading from his forehead. I swallowed the lump from my throat as the look of his eyes telling me to stay. Flashes of images appeared inside my head, diving back into the past when unpleasant events happened. When I saw him with some woman, while I was waiting for his arrival back from his duty. The vivid pictures, I stood infront of the door and peeked through the small glass window. I overheard their conversation, how the woman used her tone and seducing him.

I kept picturing his hands on her shoulder, I don't want to remember the details nor explain further. Nothing happened afterwards, other than I barged into the room and had a huge quarrel there. Aside the truth that he was convincing me, in which I was still in disbelief, that haunts me especially whenever he is off for his duty. It took days and even weeks to wait for his return, because that is his duty, as a person demanded and trained to protect the empire. I have always hope for him to safely return home.

I threatened him to end our relationship, but he persistently kept on convincing that I got it all wrong, that woman was seducing him and he wasn't amused by that. The trust issues are still there, I wish to develop my trust on him but I can't seem to remove that scene from my head. It haunts me, and I can't control it somehow. I just wanted more reassurance, instead of conviction that makes it sound like lies. I still hate him for that, I still hate him for yelling at me that day. The way we argued inside that room and when I pushed the woman away, the smug look on her face that makes me want to punch her so badly.

I couldn't forget the words of he consider as the truth, he yelled at me as if I was the one to blame. That still hurts, even despite the single sorry I have received from him. I wasn't hoping for it anyway. He persuaded me to stay all the time, until I got bored and nauseous of it. However, I feel attached to him. A part of me doesn't want to let him go, I made him a part of me already. Despite all of that, "I want us to end." He firmly gripped onto my hand, "Thats a lie."

"I hate you!" I exclaimed, forcefully releasing my own hand from his grip. "Another lie," he said as he pulled me by my hand, closer towards him. Dyrroth caress my head and lean me closer onto his chest, his hand still holding onto mine. My forehead touched his already soaked shirt on his chest, I shut my eyes as tears rolled down. His kept on caressing my head, knowing that I was already crying silently in tears.

I hate that I miss the comfort he gave me, I hate that I cherish his loving and sweet words towards me, I hate that I love the hugs he gave me, I hate the fact he knows that I was denying to myself and it was true that I don't want us to end. He hushed me softly, as he pulled me tightly into his embrace. I didn't fight, I can't fight, even the moment he briefly release me to take off his coat, I still stood there. He placed his coat on me, shielding me from the cold rainwater. I gaze at the sincerity in his eyes, they couldn't lie.

He pulled me closer to him by his coat. "You are mine and only mine. I am yours and only yours," he cooed. "I love you to the moon and back." My heart flutter at the words I wanted to hear since ages ago. Our faces were just inches away from each other, until I lean onto his chest and wrap my arms around his shoulders. I could hear his heartbeat, despite the rainy background noise. His scent filled my lungs, the tears from my eyes has stopped falling down. I want to trust him, for once more chance.

"Promise me that you wont let me go," I whispered. His hands snake around my waist, "I promise." My lips curved into a smile. He gave a peck on my forehead as he cup my cheeks. We hold onto each other for a moment as the rain drenched us in water. Dyrroth rested his chin onto my head, holding me tightly into his embrace.

"I don't want you to be sick," he release himself and intertwined our fingers together. He gently pulled me through the pathway, heading towards the entrance of the castle. I hold onto his coat around me, our eyes meeting each other once again. I could see the affection and reassurance in his eyes. The smile that formed on his face confirmed it all.

I have made the right decision. I can forgive him. I can trust him.

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