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Zilong x reader
No warning!

This chapter is quite short, forgive me


They say that everyone has different eyes both colour and shape. However, if two are destinied to be together, their eyes would lit the same colour when they stare at each other.


"Ling, I need the stone! Master would fume at me," I exclaimed as I watch him jumping from rock to rock. I exhaled in defeat as stopped with my hands on my knees. "I have to head back to Scarlet Shadow territory," I continued.

He stopped his pace, slowly turned himself towards me as the smile on his face disappeared, "You are not leaving again."

"That is where I belong now and I have to leave tomorrow."

In a bright sunny weather, I chased Ling into a huge garden. His swift movements aren't too fast for me to let him off my sight. Until he jumped onto a tall tree, then I ran onto someone.

We both fell onto the ground due to the impact, my head pulsating in pain. My vision was blurry for a moment, then cleared up as soon as I focus to the person I ran into. He held his head as he closed his eyes in pain, before lying his eyes on me.

We both stared into each other as we are still on the ground. His presence gives me a strong feeling that I have never felt before. His eyes lit into a light shade of purple for a second, I blink my eyes numerously to ensure myself. As if he saw it too in mine, he seemed stunned. His eyes slightly widen in surprise.

Still trying to process on what just happened, my head still hurts because of the accident.

Meanwhile, Ling threw and catch the stone on his hand as he watched from a distance on the tree. He sat quietly on the thick branch of the tall tree, with a smug smile on his face. He took a glimpse on my eyes then at Zilong's whom is on the ground, then he realize something. His smug look on his face turned into wonder and furrowed eyebrows.

He flew down from the tall tree then straighten his back, "Zilong?" Ling approached us. Zilong was initially looking at me, then he looked at Ling.

"Oh you're Zilong, I'm Y/n," I gave him a hand as we looked at each other. The brown orbs of his changed into purple again, we shake our hands then we appear astonished looks in our faces. Ling stood in surprise as well, he witnessed everything.

"I bet you have heard of me and so do I, it's nice meeting you," Zilong remarked with a look of mixed and unpredictable emotions. "I apolagized for that earlier," he continued.

"No, it's my fault. Actually, Ling's fault," I shot at Ling a glare, but he doesn't seem to be joking at all. The usual smug look on his face disappeared. He gave me a stern stare which made me realize what happened earlier.

"Did you two see it?" Ling looked at Zilong then at me.

"The purple thing in your eyes..." Zilong glanced at me hesitantly.

"They say that everyone has different eyes both colour and shape. However, if two are destinied to be together, their eyes would lit the same colour when they stare at each other," Ling stated.

The atmosphere turned into silence for a moment, seemingly to process Ling's words. Still in disbelief, I looked into Zilong's eyes and so did he. Our eyes appear to turn purple again which made  Ling took a few steps back from us.

"I can't believe it," Ling uttered.

"Neither do I," Zilong responded. "In that case, let's start spending time together," he added.

"I love to, but I have to return to the Scarlet Shadow Territory tomorrow. I'll try my best to come back as soon as I visit my master," I sighed in disappointment. I cleared my throat as I gave Ling another glare. With his guard down, I snatch the stone away from his hand. Zilong laughed at Ling's reaction then he responded:

"I will wait for you," he insisted.

"And I will make sure you won't be waiting for too long."

"Excuse me, I'm still here," Ling complained. Zilong and I laughed together, as I look at him I thought;

It was enchanting to meet you.


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