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Cecilion x reader
Highschool au!

Music is the way we confess to each other.


The classroom were left empty, the students settle themselves to the music room. I rummaged through my desk, searching for my music notes. I was planning to revise the lyrics of the song I was going to perform, but I changed my mind since my attempt left to no avail. Everyone else has headed outside, leaving the class empty with me. I grabbed my guitar case and put it around my shoulder, before exitting the classroom.

I rushed outside to catch up my classmates from a distance. I could see some of them entering the music room already. "Hurry Y/n!" Guinevere exclaimed as she waited among our other classmates. I scurried onto her side, eventually heading into the music room together. The teacher waited ourselves to prepare before she calls out any names to start their performance, as she told us last week that today is the day we are show our skills either solo or in groups.

In fact, I chose to perform all alone with my acoustic guitar. I watched everyone else flipping their papers, setting up the keyboards and drums infront of the room, and adjusting the mic as well. I sat silently unzipping the guitar case, and waited as the teacher starts calling out the first name.

I swear my heart is thumping so loudly inside my chest. I fear that the person sitting nearby might hear it, although I could see that everyone else is nervous too. I couldn't concentrate on the first show and so on, except for the fact that everyone is in groups bothers me to the core. Guinevere has Lesley as their electric guitarist, and Kimmy as their keyboard player.

I shot Guinevere a smile before she head infront of everyone to perform along with her teammates. I didn't remember how many names has the teacher called out, time seemed to rush quickly across my mind that I lost count on what has passed by. Consequently, I gained my awareness to the surrounding, enjoying the lively melody. 

I found myself stealing glances from the student sitting along with his friends. I was immersed by his presence, despite the fact that I see him everytime. Cecilion is known for his immaculate vocals. Additionally, he has Gusion and Xavier in his team, they are professionals in numerous musical instruments. This is not a competition after all, but the students here loves to judge others (or it is just in my head, who knows).

Nevertheless, the rush of excitement and unsettling heart beat inside my chest started when the recent performance was applauded by everyone. The teacher flipped the paper on her hands, looking for the next name to call out.

"You did well!" I cheered as Guinevere and Lesley approached. They both shared each other glances with delight. I watched Kimmy taking a seat next to me, a faint smile appeared on her face for merely a second. Lesley and Guinevere took the empty seats behind us, having a small talk as we waited. I close my eyes, wishing that my turn will be later than everyone else.

"Hey," the familiar soothing voice greeted me from my thoughts. My blood ran cold for a second, my eyes opened immediately to see Cecilion standing infront of me. I had to lift my chin up to meet his eyes. At the same time, I could hear Lesley and Guinevere whispering behind us. Kimmy left her seat and shifted herself next to Lesley.

"You're not in a team?" He asked, which led me confused on his intentions. Before I could even respond to his question, the teacher pointed me out to head infront of the class. I stood up as I lift my guitar from the case. I realized how close we are from one another, his hand unintentionally brushed against mine. "Good luck," Cecilion whispered, before I walked away flustered.

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