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Hayabusa x !childhood friend! reader

Angst + happy ending
Betrayal (from Hanzo)


The h/c girl, dressed up with a beautiful kimono, walked side by side with her childhood friend - Kagura. The Onmyouji Master held her umbrella on her shoulder as her white hair blowed gently on the direction of the wind. The weather is bright today, the clear sky and the birds singing, greeting us for the morning. "Let's have breakfast together," she offered, breaking the silence between us. "Actually, I was planning to meet Hanzo first. Perhaps, I could catch you up later."

She nodded in response, "I'll be in Haya's. Enjoy your time with your lover." She cheekly smiled and handed me a beautiful red flower. I chuckled as I gave her a small goodbye wave before leaving from her side.

My stomach fluttered in excitement somehow. I haven't visit him for the whole week since he was in a mission, particularly with Hayabusa. The scarlet ninja, her name is Hanabi, she was supposed to be in the mission as well until the leader of the sect decided to put her away for further training, searching for improvement probably. She is a friend among the five of us, we usually spend time together and sometimes having a girls' sleepover in her house with Kagura.

I remember the day he confessed to me, that was when I realize that I was having the same feeling for him all along. It was wonderful, similar to the situation I am right now, he went to my house with a flower on his hand. The sky was dark - I remember that had to turn on the lights first so that I could see his face. It was such a moment that I cherish.

With a smile on my face, I saw the front door unlocked and slightly opened. "Hanzo?" I called his name but no answer came. My forehead creased but I am trying to keep things positive in my mind. Although, it is impossible for him to leave his house at this time. He must have been exhausted, probably forgot to lock his door and fell asleep (?) But he is not that type of person, he is very alerted and focused although at his lowest point. I exhaled to get through my negative thoughts, proceed on quietly pushing the door open. However, no sign of any living thing is inside.

I head further inside in curiosity. However, I might look like somekind of creep barging inside someone's house. My heart throbbing inside my chest, it might burst anytime as the sound of the throbbing is so loud that I'm afraid someone might hear it. This feeling of guilt for getting inside his house, but my curiosity is getting over it.

Until I reached to his room with small and quiet steps, some voices are heard withing the closed door. I press my left ear onto the door, eavesdropping.

"Isn't this wrong? Don't you feel guilty?"

"I'll find a way to tell her, don't worry."

The voice of a man I know and the girl - it is too familiar to not recognize it. My mouth hanged in astonishment, my hands shaking and loosing the grip from the flower, causing it to fall onto the ground creating a soft 'thud' sound. I can't contain the tears from falling anymore and the rage rushing through my veins, so I left the house with empty hands except for tears falling uncontrollably, probably leaving a trail of droplets on his house but I don't care about it at the moment.

I continued to run away, slowly slowing down my pace and letting myself to catch some breath. I didn't look back at all, but wiped my tears off and decided to head to Hayabusa's house as I promised to Kagura that I will be there for breakfast.

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