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Xavier x reader

Ocean blue eyes, looking in mine
I feel like I might,
sink and drown and die


The pulsating rhythm across the hallway of the entrance, vibrating the ground as my heart beating simultaneously to the beat of the music. The muffled chatter of the crowd becomes loud as soon as I reach towards the door, a security person opened it allowing me to enter further.

With my mind in haze, I look around the crowded club with upbeat and loud music for a bar. I eventually found it and made myself there, while everyone minded their own businesses and dancing against the colourful ground illuminating the dark room. My shoulder colliding with the people around me as they were blocking my way, but I ignored all the stares and glares they shoot at me.

The sound of laughter and the clinking of glasses nearby has awakened me from the haze. I reluctantly searched for an empty seat before thinking on what to order. The bartender caught me in his eye as I approached an empty seat. "Two shots of tequila please," I ordered to the bartender. "On it, ma'am," the bartender slipped out two tiny glasses onto the table and started pouring the liquor into them.

My eyes wander around, realizing that less people are around me in this area. The noises around me starts to descend as the thoughts running in my head turned louder. I closed my eyes shut and sighed, then it was all gone.

"Here it is." Two glasses of liquor appeared infront of my eyes on the table. "Thanks," I mumbled before taking a gulp of one shot, feeling the burning and the bitterness of the alcohol running down through my throat.

My thoughts were still a mess. Thinking about our relationship between my boyfriend and I, as well as the stressful university life I am experiencing right now, and other things in life that I doubt.

I could feel the vibrate in my pocket, probably a notification from someone who is obviously not my boyfriend since he is busy with other stuff rather than spending time with me or even checking up on me. In fact, he doesn't seem to care anymore and matters his own business more.

The screen lit up onto my face as I opened my phone, showing a notification from my collegue from university (I can say that we are friends) — Xavier.

Xavier :
Let's have dinner tonight.
I still have some matter to discuss with you regarding our project.

I exhaled and turned off the screen with a heavy feeling in my chest. Therefore, the liquor has engulfed me with ecstasy and slowly discarding the feeling of guilt away from me.

Xavier :
Why are you not responding?

I didn't realize for how long I left him on read until his notification appeared again as my screen lit up itself. With annoyance, I decided to reply back to his message.

You :
I am not available.

I didn't care on how rude I sounded and whether I offended his feelings or not, at this point I just wanted time for myself and enjoy this feeling of without any restriction from anyone. My phone vibrated again as the screen lit up, the irritated look on my face as I view the notification once again.

Xavier :
Is he with you?
What are you doing now?

You :
He is in the club and god knows what he is doing.

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