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Aamon x reader

"Allow me to make you feel how you wanted to feel."


He held his head high, walking gracefully along the hallway with his brother at his side. The charismatic duke of Paxley with his brother next to him - the younger Paxley named Gusion. Through his black masquerade mask, the younger wander his eyes around the ballroom, people from many places in Moniyan filled the place. He observed everyone in the room, attempting to recognize every single of them behind their masks.

Yes, they are attending a masquerade ball and only the Moniyans are invited. Princess Silvanna has arranged the occasion for sure. There is no doubt that this ballroom is filled with the arranged crowd and the lively atmosphere.

Aamon returned a polite smile to the people who showed him welcoming greetings and gestures. The tension on his shoulders being lifted away as he felt the warmth by the Moniyans, he proceed on walking further with his brother still on his side. However, he noticed the blue in the orbs of his brother as he lowered his head. Gusion avoided the gazes thrown at him, somehow sharp and disrupting his comfort. Aamon noticed it all and they both know the reason why.

"Don't worry, I'm here," Aamon flashed him a smile as he tapped his shoulder for ensurance. Gusion responded with a faint smile that formed on his lips in a fraction of a second, the duke felt the memories striking his brother by the sight of his eyes. Aamon wished to cheer him up in any way, although the situation at that moment is such - a formal meeting of the important people of Moniyan. It felt like an urge to him, but he could only watch his brother whom hang his head low.

The two Paxleys seems to draw more attention, including the Baroque siblings. Lancelot and Guinevere greeted them at the moment they caught them in their sight. "Such a rare sighting to see you attending an event like this," Guinevere remarked with a light smile on her face. Aamon chuckled as he shared glances with Gusion whom was returning a friendly smile to the knight's sister.

Seeing his brother smiling made the duke sighed in relief, he didn't know that meeting an old friend of his brother could ease the tension from the sharp gazes he received in the hallways. The past is the past, Aamon has never understood why these people are somehow stuck in the past, bringing up the negative deeds his brother has made to the family although everything is doing well at the moment and surely Aamon will maintain it. Since that day when Gusion received the dark red mark known as a curse, all of the attempt he did in order save his brother, along with the fights and some misconceptions regarding that matter spreaded around the people.

Aamon never bothered any of them, but as it affects his brother, it is a problem for him. He swore to not shed any blood of the citizens or the superiors as following the law, forcing him to remain silent and let the truth reveal itself one day.

He swore that it has been numerous times that his blood rushed and the eagerness to knock anyone down anyone who has decided to endanger the Paxleys in any way, he would and always do anything to protect the Paxleys - his own family.

The initial small talk turned into a long one as they continued on showering questions at each other regarding themselves, the comfort between them has let their guards down unlike towards any other people. Gusion noticed that he has been answering most of their questions instead of his brother, which is unusual for him. He couldn't read the expression on his brother's face, so he proceeded anyway as long as he didn't find any hint of deject on him.

Chatter and clinking glasses are heard around the ballroom. Soft music played at the background, while the people enjoyed the night. Meanwhile in the corner of the room, I entered through one of the entrance of the room and who knows how many entrances they have, knowing that this ballroom is huge. I stumbled upon my slim fit gown, my heels betraying my balance causing me to fall with my knee on the floor, trying to maintain my balance again. Fortunately, the soft carpet managed to reduce the impact as the music made it impossible to be heard by anyone else, other than the platinum-haired Erudition whom brought me here.

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