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Helcurt x reader
No warning!



I used to wonder,

What is it like to have an imaginary friend?

Are they unseen to others or they are just a creation of your imagination?

However, I know now.

His horrifying visage as the dark night sky when he is usually awakens. His eyes glowing red as if in hunger. Dark aura surrounding his body as he crawled with his four limbs on the ground, sharp claws and his creepy, sinister grin showing his terrifying sharp teeth. Able to scare anyone who sees him either day or night.

He used to crawl under my bed when I went to sleep, awakening me by the aounds of his footsteps approaching. Two of his limbs stretched out and climbed onto my bed, clutching onto the bed sheets with his sharp claws. The eerie grin formed on his face as our eyes met. I froze instinticely in fear, my orbs still on his glowing eyes.

No words are exchanged, however, I managed to scream afterwards. But not even the slightest sound came out from my throat. I panicked as my heaet starts racing uncontrollably. My whole body starts to tremble and I could feel my hands started to get sweaty. I was desperate in knowing that even if I made a sound, no one would come and help me, because I live alone in his apartment with no one but myself.

I closed my eyes shut, then open them to found myself still on my bed in my room in silence and no sign of other living or mocing creatures are seen. I realized that it was all just a dream, so I was in relief.

But I didn't know that the horrifying creature is going to reappear himself everyday afterwards, which caused me to suffer from heavy insomnia and paranoia. I checked under my bed everyday, trembling and reconsidering myself from going to the bathroom, even too scared to close my eyes sometimes to be aware of any jumpscares awaiting which never actually came out. His eerie grin and glowing red eyes appeared often in my vision, it was somekind of hallucination I experienced.

He would teleport here and there like somekind of ghost. At times, I found myself spawned in some unfamilliar places from dream to dream, every night. And he would approach me with the same terrifying smile in every single of my dreams. Until I became used to his scary appearances in my dream, my insomnia has went better eventually. But his figure was still imprinted in my mind, frightening me everytime I doze off.

He kept on appearing in my dreams, then gradually revealed his low-raspy voice that sounds just like a demon that comes from hell. He would say a few words like 'Hello' and 'Don't be scared', repetitively. Sometimes he would let out a purr as if a cat showing affection towards its owner.

Some dreams were nothing but just his purrs, trying to get himself closer to me in every dream. He would crawl towards me carefully in each step, I didn't back off, instead I approach towards him and it took a great courage for me. No words came out from my mouth, I just simply stare at him as I kneel down. He slightly lift his head up to look at me, his glowing red eyes caused my goosebumps to appear through my skin. I was afraid but I knew that this creature has no intention to hurt me, although I doubt at first.

He did nothing, but he just showed a smile. A smile that he has never shown before, it was not eerie or frightening, it was rather friendly and welcome.

I remembered that next day, I went to sleep and expected his presence in my dreams. However, he did not made any appearance at all. I wondered in the morning as I woke up, that dream was emptiness. It is normal to feel like something is missing after seeing him every night in my dreams, wasn't I supposed to feel relieved? In fact, I wasn't.

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