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Julian x reader

Can we always be this close?

Note :
well since most requested for Julian x reader, so here it is :>


The sky above filled with ragging clouds, painting the atmosphere grey and dull. Tall trees and leafy bushes surrounded Julian, as he pushes them in his way. He is running as if he is being chased by a monster, panting for air and momentarily looking back across his shoulders, without slowing down his pace. His grip on his weapon tighten when he caught a glimpse of the Lumina city gates. The tension on his face disappeared, a huge relief gave him a pat on his back.

Julian didn't stop running, eventually sprinting through the entrance of the city. He was out of breath when he stepped in a few meters within the city from the gates. He stopped infront of a fountain that greets him with the sound of flowing water, somehow relaxing and soothing. The water glistening under the sunlight, his eyes gleaming at the reflection of the porcelain structures. He was bending down slightly, hands on his knees and still gasping for air.

The empty bench infront of him seems appealing as he approached to have to seat, regulating his breath and his throbbing heart. The sound of his heart pumping  blood from his chest is still resonating through his ears. Nothing matters to him at the moment, except for resting then continuing his route to visit a drug store, where he appears there often for a specific reason.

The scythe on his hand which was stained with blood is placed away, into his belt. Julian stood up from the bench with his heart still throbbing inside his chest, but without any sign of fatigue at all. He swear that he had run a couple of miles non-stop, since the weather wasn't as dark as it is now.

The wind softly blowing his red hair, drying the beads of sweat he shed during the fight he faced earlier.  As he walked down the path, he noticed how empty the city is and it might be due to the dark grey clouds, threatening to pour its rain. It is extremely calming, noticing how no one has their eyes on him especially in this kind of condition. He glanced at a few cuts and wounds on his arm along with a larger one on his abdomen. He could see it through the layer of his clothes, where his opponent managed to lay a quite deep scratch onto his body.

Julian keeps on walking ahead, he could see a few people around. He is not aware of the attention he caused to people turning their heads to him, on his injured figure. Although if he does, he wouldn't care, not even going to spare a single glance at them. His blood stained arms and torned shirt, his black cape covering the other hidden scratches on his skin.

He reach infront of the drug store, as he raise his head to take a look on the sign, ensuring himself. Julian opened the door and step into the store. The door creaked from the middle of silence, alerting me as the sound echoed its way throughout the place.

My head perked up from the shelves. "Welcome," I briefly spoke as I scurry to the front counter.  "How may I-" I stopped for a moment as soon as I saw Julian standing infront of the counter. Upon seeing my reaction, he chuckled, "Good afternoon, Y/n." I remain frozen on my spot for another while, scanning his figure from head to toe. He looks like after being attacked by somekind of wild animal in the forest.

"A-Afternoon-?" I was stunned. "Have a seat, please," I beckoned him to the chair beside me. I watch him in worry, my eyes fixated onto his wounds. He laid his back against the chair with his head tilted upwards, staring at my dazed expression. "Don't move," my tone was softly demanding. "I won't," his lips curved into a faint smile, his tone was rather playful. I swallowed as I reached for a box of first aid kit on the wall shelves, placing it on the counter and quickly taking out an antiseptic and a few of cotton balls. I seat myself next to him

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