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Granger x reader
battlemates to lovers


Another noon in Moniyan Empire, I approach Granger after finishing lunch together along with Harith and Fanny. They bid us goodbye as they return back to the castle, leaving Granger and I together as we promised each other to meet up with Xavier - a Forsaken Light member, for an important matter.

He informed the specific location. Consequently, we walk our way there, just the both of us. I inwardly smiled on how well we are going along. In fact, we have been officially 'friends' for years and before that our status were just battlemates.

Working for the Moniyan together under the rule of Queen Silvanna, however, I am not in the lightborn squad since I came to Moniyan just a few years ago and decided to stay here. I really enjoyed working together with them and especially Granger, we battle along with each other more often.

He started conversation topics to keep the atmosphere alive and not awkward, so I went along. We stroll along the pathway through the city, then we eventually arrive in the location that Xavier specified. However, his presence is nowhere to be seen.

The abrupt sounds of marching and roaring coming from the other side of the grassland, probably from the depths of the forest that lead here. We stopped for a moment and glanced at each other. I was puzzled for two things - Xavier's whereabouts and the horrifying sounds.

"I suppose our initial plan failed," he said as he inspect the direction of the loud terrifying sounds. It took a few seconds of me staring at his side profile, before snapping back into reality and squinted my eyes at the sound.

"They're approaching very fast," Granger cursed under his breath. I gulped at the sight. My right hand clutching against my katana still in the scabbard. His eyes widen in realization. "Demons," he muttered.


"Demons. On your left," he repeated and pointed his eyes towards my left side. I swooped myself to the side and raised my katana infront of me. The demon failed to injure me. Nevertheless, it shot a glare and launched at us again.

Granger pick up his violin, starts playing a melody. The lousy music caused distress to the group of demons around. They hesitated until one of them signalled to launch attack. I gasped at the sight, Granger sharpened his gaze at the crowd of demons.

The adrenaline rush through my veins along with the excitement, I anticipated with my eyes wandering the surrounding demons. Plus, the lousy music adding up the tension even more. As if everything went in slow motion, I glanced at Granger reassuringly and tightened the grip on my katana. I could see the slightest smirk on his face, as he looked at me from the corner of his eye and facing towards the demons.

He closed the gap between us and pointed his pistol towards the demons. The melody stopped playing from his death sonata, the demons gained their composure with flaring eyes. Our shoulders touching each other, I gained the courage to face them.

Our eyes meet again and we gave each other an ensuring nod before launching attacks at them. I swing my katana towards the demons, one by one eliminating them without struggling. The dark aura being released from their own lifeless bodies on the ground and blood splattering everywhere.

Meanwhile, Granger handled his pistol with ease, shooting the demons and bullets pierced their bodies. He makes sure that none are spared, looking amused at his work. They all know, "Once Granger plays his death sonata, death will come for you (specifically for the demons)." Granger is frightened by amongst demons, no one has ever managed to beat him even when it takes hundreds of strong ones.

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