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Aamon x reader

Lime (Kissing scene)

This is quite a short chapter than the others I wrote, but romantic scenes coming up! Happy reading <3


The atmosphere was lively inside the castle. Aamon, Gusion and I played a few games inside. However, Aamon excused himself then left the room, leaving Gusion and I alone and bored. Gusion pulled out a chess board, then we started playing for a few rounds until he stopped for a rest. The room was filled with laughters and exclaims from the both of us.

The heavy rain pouring outside as I look through the window. I realize that it is getting way too late. "Gusion, tell Aamon that I have to go." He looked at me with a hint of worry and uncertainity. "You still have two hours, why can't you just stay? Plus it is raining outside," he said.

"The rain isn't predictable and I still have some things that I have to work on," I reasoned as I stood up from the seat. "See ya Gus, take care."

"You too Y/n."

I gave him a brief goodbye wave at him before exiting the room. I head my way through the hallways then down the staircase. The castle is empty in most of the time, they must've not hire much servants. It was so silent that all I could hear was my footsteps. It doesn't feels right, it feels like I am sneaking out from the castle and I bet Aamon would be displeased if he see me leaving the castle.

I hurried myself towards the door, opening it then exit before I could hear any other footsteps than my own. I run away from the shade. The water from the dark clouds pour on me, it is cold yet relieving. The door a few metres away behind me opened violently, revealing the man with a displeased look. I just gave him a smile to ease him as my hair becoming more wet.

He abruptly showed a tiny brief smirk before walking his way towards me. "Aamon what are you doing? I have to go and now you're all-" I was speaking in a speed of complains until he cut me by placing his index finger on my lips. "You look beautiful under the rain like this," he whispered as he tuck a strand of my hair behind my ear.

He pull out my hair pin off my hair smoothly before he starts pulling it away from me. He showed a smug on his visage then raised his hand before running away from me. I chase him as he run around the place with the shining hair pin on his hand with a playful and teasing smile plastered on his face. "Hey! Give it back," I giggled as I run towards him. He stopped his tracks and raise his arm holding the hair pin up above his head. I stopped infront of him then tried some attempts by jumping to reach it on his hand but I can't. He chuckled in amusement, patted my head gently. As a result, I stopped jumping then pouted in defeat.

He pull out his hand out to reach waist and pull himself closer to me, closing the gap between us. He clip the hair pin back on my hair as his eyes gaze into my orbs then wander around my features and lastly, down to my lips. I could feel my cheeks slightly burning as I become flustered by his actions. His arms are both around my waist, feeling his warmth against me.

His face leaned closer, then he connects his lips onto mine. I close my eyes shut and feeling the blissful warmth spreading within me. I sneak my hands onto his chest as he kissed me passionately, slightly bending me down in his arms.

He release himself from the kiss. His drooping wet hair that makes him way more attractive, his blue orbs staring deeply into mine with sparks of affection. His skin glistening under the rain and his soaked wet shirt. Everything adds up to his perfection, making him more perfect.

He release one of his arm from my waist, reaching his hand onto mine. His hand held mine, interwining our hands together while his other hand still on my waist. I place my hand on the chest, feeling his heartbeat throbbing in passion. Warmth spread throughout my body, relieving the coldness from the rain.

Releasing from one another, he gave me the most affectionate gaze I have ever received, both romantically and not. He stared deeply into my eyes, as I look into his blue orbs. His thumb drew circles on my palm as his other hand traced upwards, cupping my cheek as he gently caress it.

I cherish this moment, and to the man who took my first love. I have never felt this warmth against me, the feeling of being loved and safe in his arms.

I have never had this feeling and experience this in my life before. Being with the man I love the most, we belong to each other.

"I love you, Y/n."

"I love you too, Aamon."


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