Chapter Six

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I was put in Isolation at school. Isolation is where you are alone from anyone else and you don't get any contact with anyone. Only one teacher is in the room with you and he just supervises you. You have to do school work in isolation, you're just alone from anyone else.

I had all my work with me so I did that until lunchtime. The teacher left the room and some of my friends sneaked in.

"Hey Adam!" Leon Cooke gave me a hi-five before sitting on my table. He peeled back the wrapper of a cheese baguette and started to eat.

"How's it going?" Lola Love perched on the other side of me on my table too.

"School isn't the same without you man!" Sean Love said as he perched on another one of the tables. My two other friends sat down as well. Carla Adreeta sat next to Sean (they were going out) while Jay Collins spun a chair around and sat down so he was sitting with his stomach pressed against the back of the seat.

There were six of us altogether plus more but these six were my best friends. Leon Cooke was a black spiky haired guy who either had his feet glued to his skateboard or had it strapped to his backpack. This was one of the few occasions that it was strapped to his backpack. He was the eldest.

Lola Love was the only single girl in our group and people were forever trying to get her and Leon together. The only thing was that I kind of had a crush on the blonde haired, hazel eyed beauty. I didn't want her and Leon to get together. Not really. Plus Leon didn't really date.

Sean Love was Lola's twin brother. He had blonde hair and hazel eyes too. However he had recently got into gelling his hair into perfectly formed spikes. He also was a bit of a skater. However he wasn't so obsessed that he carried his skateboard around with him at all times. Just like most teens can't live without their mobile, Leon couldn't live without his skateboard. I was glad Sean wasn't THAT bad.

Carla Adreeta was Irish. She was pretty damn hot too and most guys had a huge crush on her. Several had even admitted to masturbating over her rocking figure and good sized breasts. However now she was dating Lola's brother, the two were getting serious and there had been a lot of rumours that they had already had sex but of course, they weren't saying anything.

Jay Collins was my brother. Well... Not my actual brother but we were so similar, it wasn't even funny. Jay loved rugby too. He had always been part of the team with me. He also looked similar to me. We both had our hair swept in a blackish gothic look. He had blue eyes while I had green. We sat next to each other in most classes because we were about the same intelligence.

All of my friends were funny and amazing. I loved them all.

"You guys shouldn't be here." I told them. They all started taking out food. Lola slid an orange my way. She knew that I hardly ate. I guess they all knew that. I very rarely got a packed lunch. The cupboards were always empty and Mum never packed anything for me. My friends gave me their food most of the time.

I unpeeled the orange skin and ate the pieces, gratefully.

"Yeah we know but we also knew that you must be lonely here." Leon said to me as he crumpled his empty baguette packet.

"Yeah you got that right..." I sighed.

"Heads up." Jay threw me a packet of salt and vinegar crisps. I caught it and tore open the packet.

"How long you here for?" Sean asked. He had one hand entwined within Carla's and the other hand in a packet of ready salted.

"Just today I think. It's bloody boring though."

We ate and talked. For a second, I felt better about everything. I didn't feel so alone. But of course, the teacher came back and he went bright red in the face when he saw the others lounging about. They all scrambled out. As Lola passed me, she brushed my hair slightly with one of her hands. I closed my eyes at her touch and when I opened them again, my friends were gone. However I wasn't alone. The teacher had two other people with him. One was the head teacher but the other was a dark-skinned man who I had never seen before.

"This is Brian Times. He is a dear friend of mine." Brian held out his hand and we shook.

"Nice to meet you, Adam." Brian told me.

"You too."

"Adam, Brian is here to talk to you. I know what your mother says but I have to do what is best for you. Do you think you can talk to Brian?" I wanted more than anything to tell Brian everything. I wanted to break down and cry and tell him all about the self harming and the suicidal thoughts and the abuse and Steve but I couldn't.

"Everything you say is private." Brian said.

"If you decide after today that you don't want to have anymore sessions with Brian, we can stop them. However if you decide you do, we can arrange for some more private sessions." I hesitated then nodded. I can just say a few things that most people already knew.

Mr Cole clapped his hands together in his delight.

"Good! Right we shall leave you two together in peace." Mr Cole gestured to the teacher. They both left.

"Why don't you take a seat, Adam?" Brian said. He gestured to the table. I perched on my table and Brian sat on one of the tables opposite me. Brian wore a pink shirt with a purple tie and black smart trousers. His black shoes were polished to a shine. He had a notepad and pen in one hand.

"Are you like a school counsellor?" I asked him.

"I do the same things as a school counsellor but I work with a different service. I work with medical health services for children who don't want to talk to someone who works with the school."

"Okay..." I nodded and looked down at my hands which were clasped in my lap.

"So shall we start?" I nodded. Brian positioned his pen and notepad. "Where do you want to start, Adam?" I shrugged. "From the beginning? How was your life like when you were smaller?" I thought back to when I was little. In primary school, happy with my parents and with my school life.

"I loved my life. I never had any problems. Mum and Dad didn't argue much. I loved my dad."

"So when did it all start going wrong for you then?"

"Around the time my dad died..." And so I poured out my heart to this complete and yet comforting stranger.

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