"Never go near the waters, that's what my mom always says"
Stay with your family, boys are trouble, remember the stories, and never go to the ancient, love waters
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We had seen the boys today, they looked good almost as if they were going into war, but my mom told me that they were training to become more of men and not have to focus on us but of course she would say that she will say anything, so I don't bring up boys or think about them a lot of the time. This island stories made women feel like they were gross, and we have to cover up or something, we are women, we are beautiful, and we are worthy of love. It's the island, I say, and it will always be the island because the body is beautiful and one day no matter what this island has to say, whether I'm on it or off of it a man will embrace it and he won't die being with me.
Of course, there was a rebel today and it will always be Keisha. She had told me and Jasmine that she dropped her bag on purpose to see if any of the boys would grab it for her and sure enough, she knew Leonardo would because he always looked at her every time she danced or sang like she was his goddess and of course I'm so here for their relationship but she has to be careful.
"I think this island is stupid, I really like your brother." Jasmine said to me, and I smiled, I was happy for them, for however they met each other without him dying.
"How did you guys meet?" Keisha said intrigued
"We met in the woods, I was getting some water for my mom, and yes, she lets me go to the forbidden waters and I walked through there, and we see each other, and we both paused, and I laughed, and he did as well.
We thought as long as we didn't touch, we would be fine so we talked for a minute and he kept complimenting me saying how beautiful I was and that he would totally die for me if we mated or whatever and I was just so happy, you know to be seen and know someone thought I was pretty, to talk to an actually boy. They make them seem gross and rude and mean, but he was sweet." Jasmine said, I'm glad she liked my brother Michael, sometimes, I worry but as long as he doesn't touch her, I am fine with their relationship, plus we all need a little excitement in this boring life.
"Ouuuuu, y'all cute or whatever-"
"Yeah, but talk about you and Leo" Jasmine said and I was just listening, I literally had no one when was I going to find my Romeo.
"We met at dance hall, he was supposed to be talking to his mom but ending up sneaking taking glances at me and when everyone was in the huge arts and crafts cabin, we spoke from a little distance from each other, he asked for my name, and we were just kicking it, he loved how I was bold-"
"Did you touch him?" Me and Jasmine said shocked and scared, yes, touch is really forbidden for us to hold our chest in fear for this boy's life.
"No, but I wanted to, I just told him how my mom lets me go to the waters as well. She definitely still warns me though because it is wrong to get close to a man and not have the plan or a way not to kill him to protect your love. She believes it's a way to get off this island and wants me to know the man's body, to be able to love to feel and I totally agree-"