"Never go near the waters, that's what my mom always says"
Stay with your family, boys are trouble, remember the stories, and never go to the ancient, love waters
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"Stay Still." I said as I had Heaven posing on a chair Infront of me as I painted her, it was hard to do when we all were cooped up in a class together and she kept moving and talking to Keisha but now that they aren't friends and we are talking I want to paint her all the time, her beauty is never ending, ethereal, heaven like, are names are so godly almost as if we were supposed to find each other
"Are you done, yet?" She asked as I looked up and waved my hand side to side as a kind of gesture, I wanted to capture everything, the unsureness of herself, the innocence that she still had, her curiousness, but everything
"Almost done." I said as she sighed and was antsy, I know she really wanted to see what I had drew of her, I wasn't a basic artist, I took my craft seriously as if I had a whole crowd to show, I then smiled and stood up as I clapped my hands and she looked at me with a big smile and I became nervous, but I turned the painting around and showed her
I loved how excited she is at being around me but also anxious cause she doesn't want to hurt me, I like how she has bursts to energy and then reverts back to being anxious and scared, meaning she is always capable of going outside the normal, nothing is wrong with it, we can be together, we just can't touch each other but more and more I guess the spell is a real thing because I fight the urge to touch her I bet we both do
"Do you like it?" I asked as she covered her mouth, she definitely loved it, while I was painting her, her dress finally dried from being in the water, I did take a little time painting her I just wanted to get all of her features correct, I'm a perfectionist
"Yes, I love it, where is the painting you drew of me that one day." She asked
"It's at home, along with my other paintings, you want to come, see?" I asked as she raised her eyebrows
"Yeah, but won't your mom be there?" I asked
"Yeah, I can just sneak you in like you snuck me in." I said as I raised my eyebrows in confusion and Heaven just laughed, I know it seems like I'm trying to move her closer to me but before we crack this case or if we ever do I want her to know me, know me, I hate when people barely get to know their significant other like they didn't have enough time, I want to be able to do everything with her just in case our time is up and we lose the love we made
"What happened to the original plan of figuring out these waters?" I asked
"That's still in the plan, we can come back later." I said as she was skeptical but decided to come with me anyway, I stood up from my painting and I took it with me under my arm pit and held my hand out for her to grab on our journey to my house
"I can hold it." She said as I smiled and gave her the painting as we linked hands and she held the painting in her other hand, it was already fully dried but she still held it by the edges as we went back into the woods towards my house, I felt like this had to be our first date or something or at least something close to it and I intended on taking her to a few places before we go back to the waters cause if it really is a love spell then it can be reversed and maybe we can bring back everyone that died I just don't want to get my hopes up though or Heaven's but she's starting to have a little hope as well