Baby, No!

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Angelic POV

"He sees beauty, he sees body, he sees grace, the woman we are supposed to be-"

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"He sees beauty, he sees body, he sees grace, the woman we are supposed to be-"

"This whole speech is pointless, when do I get to finally stop coming here to say this purposeless, useless, line of depression for women and we're going into one with all these deaths now we know how it was when you guys were younger, and all our fathers just kept dying." Jasmine said as she barely could cross her arms over her now huge stomach 

"Soon, Jasmine!" Mina said as lowly smiled 

"Hello, ban." My mom said as she finally saw the warriors walk across the sand, she and ban had made up or whatever a couple days ago, but it still feels weird, and it still feels weird being in line right now or looking for Keisha yesterday when ban tried to kill me 2 weeks ago, I heard the conversation that was going on before walking over here with my gear, I didn't what we we're going to do today but hopefully after this we drop all this manly act because we all know how to fight and try to start building for our families 

"Hello, Mina, I have news, Keisha is in holding on the boulder alongside James now and we have decided that we are going to kill her as punishment for all she has done with a machete sword in which we all possess but we don't know who will do the actual job if anyone is in-"

"She doesn't deserve to die." Jasmine said as she looked around at everyone including Heaven with a sad expression on her face as if she was going to cry but it's too late for that now, no one should be sad or feel sorry for Keisha, shit, I wouldn't, I'm sick of that hoe, she getting what's coming to her and I might be the one to deliver, as Jasmine overwhelmed herself with misunderstanding the situation and why we most likely all feel this way, the girls from which who I meet at the lake 3 weeks ago we're paying way too close attention to me, blowing kisses, being extremely disrespectful to my other half who was inches away from them in class 

"I'm not surprised but I do understand what Jasmine is saying, does Kianna know this because this entire time her child was worried about her and just wanted her home?" Mina said as she crossed her arms and ban shrugged his shoulders

"When will this take place and what for god's sake are we going to do with Heaven's uncle James?" Mina said as I chuckled a bit because honestly, he should've been released a month ago, he has proved that he doesn't need to be watched and he can't really fight back it's too many of us and all the rest of his friends are dead because of us and now we can honestly say that Mina and ban run this island with the help from me from time to time because I am wise and a leader alongside Heaven 

"He will be released soon." Ban said as he nodded his head at Mina as she nodded back, and we all began walking as I winked at Heaven, and she smiled and all the girls began murmuring and their faces we're filled with pure malice and jealousy and they began walking towards Heaven, I kept my eyes directly on her as I walked into the woods, and I see one of them crack their knuckles I forgot their names except for the bitch Kiki as she called herself, I was annoyed with her, never knew woman to be so catty or someone who was clearly not theirs 

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