I'm Okay

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Angelic POV

We all heard gunshots as we stopped on the beach, I was already scared for bans life and I prayed to God it wasn't him that had gotten shot, I didn't want anyone else to get hurt but I sped out in the direction of the gun shot which was in the pat...

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We all heard gunshots as we stopped on the beach, I was already scared for bans life and I prayed to God it wasn't him that had gotten shot, I didn't want anyone else to get hurt but I sped out in the direction of the gun shot which was in the pathway of where our houses were

"Split up, look in all the houses." I said as I looked to see if any front door was open wide and it was, it was an unknown house to me and I walked in and I see blood on the floor and I immediately knew this was the house, I gulped and I continued to walk in frightened for my life but intrigued and curious about bans safety

"He's in here." I said as loud as I could as I saw Ban on the floor, holding his stomach, it was a group of white men at least five and I think there were more, so I  looked at my surroundings because I didn't want to be caught off guard with Ban being wounded and laid against a wall in a random person's house, I don't know who lives here, this island isn't that big, everyone knows everyone

Everyone packed behind me, I turned behind me to see Heaven staring at me, I didn't want anything to happen to her out of everyone this was such a scary moment and I wanted to investigate myself so as I went in and pulled my sword out and walked towards ban to help him

"Hold your attack." I heard as I stopped in my tracks and seen a man in his 30's or 40's with glasses come out of the room holding his hands up as if he was a criminal

"What happened?" I asked confused

"I killed them, I killed them all, but they shot Ban before I did it, I didn't want to come out of that room at all, Ban and those white men came in here and I heard the conversation, Ban said the purple rock was in my home and I knew it wasn't so I prepared myself to fight, men like me have no fight left that's why I don't participate in the horn, a lot of older men don't, only you young warriors who still believe in life, but I don't want to help, my mother died and I haven't helped anyone survive, why because I don't believe in life anymore, the older men that help you guys go home and they cry, they are in their homes right now being cowards because they don't have mothers or fathers and they feel alone." He said as I pushed him and rushed past to save Ban and as I tried to find something to stop the bleeding, the white man came behind me to my unknowing and held a knife, a regular knife nothing like ours to my neck and decided to cut my cheek sideways

I looked at Ban as he tried to speak, was he losing his vocal chords this soon, I don't feel as if he set me up but I know the older man did, he stood there with his hands up, it seemed as if he was careless of our lives I get the frustration and sadness of not having a father and even a mother but you do not trade in your own people for a white man, Ban has lost both and decided to make life worth living and help other young warriors to protect themselves

"I'm sorry, I killed as many as I could with my bare hands, he made me set angelic up, he made me, I had no choice." The man said as he she'd tears, I understood but I didn't respect it to be in here all this time while life was happening and still not help, I seen out the corner of my eye Heaven go into other rooms it seemed as if she was searching for something

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